A email from male business owner

A email from male business owner

There are still problems with communication in the world around testicle punishments. I experienced them first hand.

I’m a 30 year old man and I own a small company and have a few employees that work in the office and warehouse. I had a woman work with me for around 18 months who I learned only after she left she was a devout feminist who was very skilled in testicular torture. She had a keen interest in the torture of the testicles and knew how to cause maximum pain with the least amount of damage so a man could suffer for longer during a session.

I heard quite the story of how she knew of restraining men for kicking as well as using crushing devices on the testicles. She was also familiar with causing rupture and prolonging the rupture over time. She was also familiar post rupture torture specifically testicular flattening.

My shock was not that she knew these skills. These are important skills for any woman and as a feminist myself I support women who learn these skills and use them. What shocked me is that she never told me of this or punished me. Its not that I want to be castrated or have my testicles tortured, that idea scares me. Its more that I am not perfect as a man, I make mistakes so there were occasions where I admit I would have deserved punishing.  

The person who did her job before was a woman and we had an agreement that if, for whatever reason she felt it was needed she could punish me. I even said she didn’t have to give a reason for the punishment if she didn’t want to. She was also free to kick as hard as she wanted and had no restrictions on how she could punish me. I also agreed I would not hold a grudge after the sentence was given. It was hard for me but I did point out the obvious that rupture was acceptable if she wanted. I wanted her to feel safe and comfortable with the arrangement.

During times when I needed punishment we would wait until after the others went home. Then we would go to my office and I would be kicked in the testicles as required. She also enjoyed standing on or stomping my balls so this was often done as well.

She would be paid for the time the punishment lasted at a rate of about 300% of her normal pay. This meant she would not feel the need to make it a short or quick punishment. We usually had sessions of about an hour that were very painful. Once she did cause a rupture but it was a small one and the testicle healed. She was actually very pleased about that.

I feel we had a fair and productive arrangement but with the other woman she never mentioned it to me despite it being an interest of hers. I think she was worried to bring it up with me even though I would have been understanding. Maybe I should have been more open so she would have known it was safe to use testicle punishments on me. I’m not sure so was wondering what some women think?


  1. Hi,
    I Wanted to say that as a man I really do support the use of testicle punishments and ruptures by woman for their own enjoyment and also it is really good for men behaviour. I'm writing this email to you because I have an issue and I dont know how to deal with it. I'm 17 years old guy and I've had cheated on women ones. I really did regret it and naturally I have told her about that but to me breaking up is to less. As a supporter of a testicle tortures I would like to be punished how I should be. But here comes a problem. I dont know what kind of punishment should I achieve? Do you think that only one ball rupture will be fair? Or do I have to have both of them ruptured? I really dont want be castrated at all but if it is needed for a good case I would go through it. The last question I wanted to ask is where can I find a right person to carry out of my punishment because I really dont know women who will be interested in that. Hopefuly some of you will response me, I'd really appreciate that.

    1. Oh you poor man I understand how difficult living with this guilt must be for you and it can eventually lead to depression and other serious mental health issues. Harsh punishment is a well known means of resolving these issues.
      You are correct to say that breaking up in insufficient for what you did, you must have caused your girlfriend a lot of pain and to free yourself from guilt your punishment should be severer.

      I think a long and slow rupture of both testicles followed by PRT is the best thing for you.

      Can I ask your location? If you live in Australia and can travel to my location then I would be more than happy to help you out. I can assure you I have a lot of experience dismantling testicles and you can feel safe as I come from a medical background and can provide aftercare and accommodation until you recovered.

      So in your case I think you should ask for a slow castration the extended time in pain as punishment and the full destruction will prevent you re offending.

    2. Thank you very much for your response, you are so right. Guilty for what I've done makes me feel sick. I really don't want to have both of my testicles ruptured but as you said It has to be slow, long and painful punishment which can be achieved only fully castrating me. I know it's impossible to avoid but in the other hand I would be pleased if it'll be done to me as a type of penance. I was positively surprised when you said you could carry out of my castration especially when you said that you're experienced. It would be pleasure for me but unfortunately I live in Europe so it's slightly impossible. I really appreciate your involvement, I hope one day I would find the right person to do this. Have a nice day

    3. Honestly your testicles brought you to this so of course they should be destroyed but you had to use your penis to do it. That should be tortured extremely and you have slowly destoryed so no more penis.

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  3. Geko exactly what are you offering?

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    2. Geko I appreciate the offer but unfortunately my video production skills are non existent.

      Can I ask where you live.

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  5. Hi, I’ve read several of your posts and I find them interesting to say the least. I’m a man and at some point I’d like to have children. Do you really think it’s fair for a girl to castrate a man and take away his ability to have children just because he’s offended her in some way? Or worse because she would enjoy it?

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  7. Gecko I'm sure we can come to some arrangement when this pandemic is over. I have a friend who will assist with the medical aspects after we conclude. You will need to stay close to her location for a few days and follow her advice.

    Is there any particular techniques you would like me to demonstrate? Can you give me some idea of how you would like the video to go?

    1. I think you two have a great plan and the video is an amazing idea. I would recommend a variety of tortures be applied to both testicles then just focus on the one marked for rupture. Then rupture can be initiated when it is very swollen and PRT can start. It would be amazing to have a video of a testicle being flattened that I could watch for educational purposes and some pleasure as well.

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  10. I didn't think Gecko was up for it.

  11. Only disappointed that no one replies

  12. Dear Megan
    I will be here and I hope we can make an arrangement as soon as the situation has gotten better. If you are serious, I would be happy to oblige you.


  13. I would like to ask a question. Do you think a training video for women demonstrating the these things be valuable to encourage and teach women about rupture and PRT?
    Would anyone like to participate in making a training video like this?

  14. I think it's extremely valuable but I'm a man so can't be the other half of your request. The only way I could be of service to this demonstration would be holding the camera or...

    I formally offer my penis and testicles for a slow, multi day demonstration. Each day could destroy a different organ. Not only would there be a lot more footage, so much more demonstrating but there would be a whole lot more agony for me.

    I am a man, deep down I know every man deserves this. No man is perfect, especially in this terrible world culture. Any torture should be as painful as possible and if I'm losing all three over at least three days then I must suffer greatly.

    Kicking punshing kneeing burning squeezing barbed kneedles and heating those needles

    there should be more than enough to fill at least 100 hours of torture wich would grately benifit society to have as an example

    Of coarse I'd film a before clip stating whats to happen and how needed it is I suffer endessly and another clip before each day to explain which organ I'll be loosing and another clip after each destruction is complete thanking the woman and the project for bringing about it's demise and a final clip after thanking again for my full nullofication


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