Testicle plyers - torture device for testicles.
I remember a while back there was a post about a type of
punishment in prisons where a man was tied upside-down with his legs parted and
his testicles struck to cause him pain. I find its good to know that testicle
torture is not new but has been done for thousands of years so I thought I
would write about a device from the medieval period.
Just like now in the past it was important to punish men so
there was a need for a device or tool that could be used primarily on the
testicles and penis of a man. Like now there was a clear need to slowly and
painfully destroy one of both testicles of a man. One device became popular for
use on the testicles and penis to the point it became synonymous with painful
castration. This was the Crocodile shears or crocodile plyers (seen below).

Unlike today people accepted a large number of men simply
could not behave correctly or would commit sexual crimes towards women. This
being accepted the use of testicle rupture was practiced widely and rarely met
with resistance. So there was a good market for ways to cause rupture to a man.
Other men often did not want to touch another mans genitals
and women often preferred methods of torturing the testicles without having to
hold them for long periods of time. But it was recognised that the testicles
could cause a man hours of high pain and removing them would also be a
punishment in its self. That’s the two ways a man is punished with rupture,
first the pain of it, then secondly the loss of the testicle.
So with clear demand black smiths worked to create tools
that would allow for slow testicle destruction. The device we are discussing
today was a modified set of plyers. The first thing you notice is the teeth
that resemble a crocodiles. This served two functions. Firstly they helped to
grip a single testicle for torture, then the teeth pierced the skin of the
scrotum then the testicle itself. With the teeth holding the testicle the force
on the plyers could be loosened to allow blood to flow and increased again to
add more pain without the testicle escaping. This allowed torture to be very
prolonged lasting hours.
The other feature was the long arms of the plyers which
allowed the force being applied to a testicle to be carefully adjusted by the
torturer. This meant a man could be made to feel extreme pain then the pain be
lessened so he could talk during a session of questioning. This made them very
popular for use on a man accused of a crime or being questioned about one as
well as for punishment.
The plyers were easy to use and cheap to make so were made
in large numbers. While they were purchased by local government records show
many women purchased them as well. Women of rank were the first to buy them
primarily to use on male staff or servants as a tool of punishment. Its at this
point in history we see a change in male behaviour not just in the records but
in fiction of the time as well. At this point we see men of lower station
afraid to look for too long at a woman for fear of being accused of staring of
saying a wrong word.
This is because of knowledge of the testicle plyers (as they
become known as). If a man was to be seen stairing at a woman he would be taken
and stripped naked. The man would then be tied usually laying face up with his
legs parted, usually to a table. This was so he would be less likely to pass
out from pain as he was punished. The woman would do it herself or ask usually
another women to apply the punishment. Women were used as they would be crueler
to the male.
The male would be encouraged to think of what he did wrong
as he felt pain. The male often apologised in this state before pain was used.
There was evidence that men feared this but accepted it was needed. Maybe even
fair and just.
The male would then feel the plyers grip a testicle and the
teeth slowly sink in. Screams would be heard for hours as the plyers bit down
piecing the testicle then crushing it. The teeth would first push down on the
testicle denting it inward as they were deliberately not perfectly sharp as you
can see. This was done so the teeth would push in first then cause the testicle
wall to rip at the point of pressure and tear the flesh rather than cut it as
this cause the male more pain. The teeth were often covered in acid to add to
the males suffering once the teeth broke the skin. Then they would slowly rip
through the testicle bringing high pain from the start of the punishment.
Once the teeth were fulling sunk in the top metal would then
compress and crush the testicle. This caused the man crushing pain so the male
first felt tearing pain from the teeth impaling the testicle then crushing pain.
It was believed combining the two types of pain would help improve the
suffering for the male and help him learn.
The testicle was often bitten from several angles as the torture
continued. Every effort was made to prolong his pain for as long as possible. Using
the long arms of the plyers the goal was to pressure the testicle so it is as
close to rupture as possible without actually bursting and hold the man there
as long as could be done. This was done to cause the male the maximum level of
pain while still being able to prolong it.
Eventually the outer wall of the testicle would rupture then
the plyers were used to crush the testicle down flat. Once ruptured the torture
would always continue very slowly until the testicle was a flat as it could go.
The testicle would probably rupture at several points allowing him to feel the
tearing more than once. The plyers were applied all over the damaged testicle
to crush it completely flat across the whole ball. As this was to make the man
learn from his mistake can incite fear.
Men were observed to still feel high pain despite the damage
to the testicle so torture was continued carefully. To flatten the testicle the
internals would need to have been torn away so many crushes would have been
needed. This would have kept the man in constant pain for a long time so this
thoroughness really helped improve the punishment. It was said that even small
bumps left inside the testicle were bitten to flatten them. One source says the
testicle was crushed so much the teeth went into the scrotum, right though the
testicle wall then out the other side and were less than half an inch long so
maybe 10mm.
As we see women applying punishment themselves this is a
point we see women torturing testicles for personal pleasure rather than
punishment. Some women would enjoy collections of the plyers and other crushing
devices to use on men recreationally. This is still practiced today with women
enjoying ballbusting as a hobby.
The plyers were used, as said before for questioning. As
crushing the testicles did not stop a man walking or working it was a preferred
method of questioning. A male would again be tied and have them used on him.
This helped get confessions or guaranty the information given was good.
The plyers were often used on captured prisoners of war as
well. As women primarily worked as care givers it is believed they introduced
the devices to the places where the prisoners were kept. Before men often
didn’t waste time questioning all the captives as there were so many of them
and they were needed to fight the next battle. Women however did have time as
used it well.

The plyers are part of our history and should be respected.
Hi Lucy! I'm a man. I was raised my a very feminist mom and when I was 17 she took one of my testicles for staring at her body. So I am a huge supporter of women's right to use testicular punishment as a deterrent for men misbehaving. I have known women who have castrated their rapists and one that cut her boyfriend's penis off after rupturing one of his testicles with a few kicks. I love women. I love it they are strong and willing to take a man down a few pegs. Especially when they attack a man between his legs.
ReplyDeleteHello. Very interesting article and a good way to encourage more women by giving historical context. However, sadly the image does not show
ReplyDeleteYou should write more about the historical methods of testicular rupture. Very interesting article.
ReplyDeleteI think we should be designing better devices for torturing testicles we need to be more creative.
ReplyDeleteI was castrated over one long tortuous day by my sister. My mom supervised. I can attest to how long a castration can take. Like you describe, my testicles were slowly and methodically pulverized. It was the most painful experience anyone can have. I do strongly believe they were right in doing it and found your article interesting!
ReplyDeletewhy she did it?
DeleteI had punched my sister. I have her a black eye. It was because she has kicked me in the balls for the millionth time. She was teasing me as I cried and I just snapped and punched her. My mom was livid and said I was agressive and needed to have my balls destroyed. It was my sister’s right
ReplyDeletecount on more details
DeleteFor most effective genital discipline, heated needles can be inserted into the head of the penis and also into the testicles. Once they are in place the female can attach leads from a cattle prod and electrically discipline the penis and a testicles, for hours at a time. Also putting vinegar into the urethra is effective.
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