correcting misinformation - kicking

Hey here is another email sent from our mens right guy. Been busy so I can write much so here you go.

I have been doing a bit more thinking about the effects of trolls as a result of the feedback from my other letters. It is clear that male trolls are out there and having a serious effect. What’s worse is they market themselves as pro women’s rights and pro ballbusting but are working against those things.

They offer information to women that is faulty and limits them while shaming women who wish to learn more about testicle rupture or post rupture torture. Or even women wanting to learn more about high damage testicle torture.

Kicking Myths

I have seen pages trying give women bad information about sessions of testicle kicking. Some even deter the idea of practicing kicking and shame women who try to improve their technique. They give very bad advice to I want to correct some of that now.

There are a lot of discussion about how hard a woman should kick and exposed pair of testicles. In truth the answer is hard. Hard, firm kicks that connect with one or both testicles and transfer energy into a testicle is ideal. Essentially the more force that hits a testicle the more pain the man feels as he takes the kick. You want the man to feel each kick and struggle to take them to make the punishment effective.

Short taps do not cause enough pain or damage to punish a man, even for something small. Kicks need to connect well and be hard. As a woman you need to remember that even if this man is your friend he is being punished and you are trying to damage the testicles. You want to bruise them and cause swelling, even for the smallest of crimes. You also want to put him in pain for as long as you can justify for the crime. You can still care for a man and not hold back as you kick his testicles.

Also, wanting to cause damage is ok, its alright. It doesn’t make you a bad person at all. Damage is part of the punishment and a good man will be open to discussing it and accept it needs to be done. You should be proud of damage as it means good pain as well. Remember just because you are not planning a rupture doesn’t mean you cant get the testicles close to rupture or cause deep bruising. The testicles can also be made to bleed internally which is very painful for the man and the pain lasts for hours after the session. A man should take a while to heal after a session.

I have read articles telling women to limit the force used on a man that are not correct at all. One part said the woman should first raise her knee then tap the testicles with her foot. This technique does not put anywhere near enough force on the testicles and should not be used. Others said women who take pleasure in causing damage are cruel which is again, not the case.  

In fact, one of the biggest mistakes women new to testicle kicking, which these articles don’t help with is having a session and not kicking hard enough or giving to few kicks to the man. This leads to a woman not being satisfied and the male not learning from the punishment. This helps no one so if you are new hard kicks are what you should be trying for.

Another thing that it will be of no surprise is miss reported is the use of testicle rupture as a punishment. It is wrongly described as something that should be done in rare cases when a man has committed a serious crime and this is not the case. Testicle rupture can be used as a woman feels it’s needed and is actually recommended for a lot of different offences. Given how effective testicle rupture is it can be used in many situations and works very well. So the opposite is true.

Women new to testicle kicking are often apprehensive about using rupture and these articles do not help. Rupture is very painful for the man and very rewarding for the woman so it should be considered in a range of cases. There should be no stigma or hesitation if a woman feels rupture would be a good fit when deciding a punishment for a man.

In fact after a woman causes her first rupture nearly all are amazed by how good it feels to pop a ball. The experience is highly enjoyable and pleasurable for the woman. I woman can then extend this enjoyment by continuing to kick after rupture has been first caused. So it’s a shame if a woman never tries rupture in the first place.

Correct way to kick a man

I wont go into to much details because it has been covered I think. I just want to disprove some myths.

You want to stand in front of a man who has his legs spread and he should also have his arms behind his back. If hands are behind his back this helps him to stand up straight and prevent his hands from coming forward to shield the testicles before a kick or cup the testicles after a kick as he feels pain. His legs should be wide enough apart so your foot can travel up and connect with the testicles without hitting this thigh first but not so wide he has an unstable stance. You do not want to hit his thigh as this slows down your kick and means less force for his testicles. Maybe talk with him and make sure he is in a good position and tell him to keep returning to this position after a kick.  

You want to order him to stay still (I think I’ll need to write more about the etiquette later) and take aim with your foot. You can give him a few warm up kicks first if that helps you. Then to start get yourself into position and when you launch your leg you want to make sure you keep adding force as you more right up until it connects.

You want to keep applying force because once you hit a testicle you want it to travel up and get caught between your foot and his body. In this position the testicle is squeezed as it absorbs the force of the kick. When a testicle is squeezed this way it compresses the center of the testicle while stretching the outer testicle wall as it bulges out. This deeper damage can cause micro tears inside the testicle that cause the male sharp, shooting pains which add greatly to his punishment. It also helps with causing swelling as well. This technique also works well if you are planning to cause a rupture.

As for aim you want to hit the testicles with the part of your foot that connects to your leg. You don’t want to connect with toes because that could bend them back and you will lose force. The bottom of your shin and the top of your foot are much harder and will cause more testicle damage and pain. You then want to kick him at a regular pace making sure you give him a new kick before the pain of the last one fades. A hard kick every 30 seconds is a good base to start from.

If you are kicking a man and he is struggling to take your kicks consider letting him lean against a table of wall to help he stay upright as you kick his testicles. Or even try full restraint. Bounding a man in place makes high damage sessions far easier so it’s a good idea. It is also the best way to cause a rupture especially if you plan to continue kicking after a testicle ruptures.

If rupture has been decided then a man cant stand given the high level of pain after the ball pops. So tie him in place so rupture is much easier for you. You can check for rupture periodically but you don’t need to stop once rupture starts. Kicking can continue to cause him more pain and break the testicle properly.

Then the session can stop when you want.


  1. Nice article. I'm a woman who usually does maybe.. 2 punishments per week. Most are kicking punishments to naked balls always full force kicking. Some men do think that they can ask me to limit the force or that my kicks are to hard. This is good for showing them the reality.

  2. Hey, I'm a girl in my junior year of high school and have a question im hoping you could answer?
    I'm 17 and one of my girlfriends recently had a bad break up with her semi abusive boyfriend and it ended in her popping one of his balls. Well, he lost the testicle and him and my friend were on good enough terms. Afterward though I personally didn't feel like it was enough so a month later I ruptured the other one too by gouging my thumbs into it hard as I could.
    I felt like it was the right thing to do but I also feel guilty.

    So the question is, if another girl destroys a mans testicle, is it okay to "finish the job" for her later or should you always let them keep their last one until they mistreat a woman again?

    1. Hi I think you did the right thing. the important thing is that if a man commits a crime he is punished properly and fully. You're friend my have let her feelings get in the way and only take one testicle when both needed to be ruptured. If you feel he was goign to misstreat a woman again you definatly did the right thing.

      How did he react when you popped his last ball. Did you tell him and the man cooperate? Given time he may actually agree you were fair to him

    2. Hello! Thank you for answering. Yeah I feel a little but ultimately like I did the right thing too. And my friend is a fully supporter of rupture but she has a very hard time agreeing with fully castrations. She considers them cruel and would rather men who are punished be able to live with one nut left and just have it kicked when needed.
      That's probably why she only made him a solo act instead of taking out the full duo.

      And to answer your questions, when I popped it she shrieked louder than I thought a man even could and the he almost immediately passed out. Since then though he seems to just hate my guts :)
      And no he definitely did not cooperate. I sneak attacked him and while I was crushing his lone ball he BEGGED me to let him keep it the whole time. He kept ranting about how he didn't want a useless dick and that he wanted to have children and was desperately flailing around. It was so pathetic

    3. Doing the right thing can be hard sometimes. Rupture is very painful for the man but its the only way they will learn. It sounds like this man was dealt with fairly in the end. Its a shame you had to sneak attack him rather than approch him and discuss your intentions. But it sounds like you were able to make him suffer a bit before it popped and he passed out.

      Maybe the next man you punish takes it better. Do you use rupture often?

  3. Hi there, I have a question about this subject. Does popping one on a younger boy affect how he will develop later in life? If I wanted to pop only one could I do it safely without ruining his life afterwards?

    1. One should not affect him too much. The other one can still produce sperm and testosterone. This is why rupturing just one testicle is a good punishment. The man still loses something and he feels pain but can still live his life. Also if he is tied and you take it slow you can cause lots of pain from the destruction of one testicle.

  4. Haha wow....
    There seems to be a lot of permanent ball crushing going on. Is it normal that I've only ever kicked a guy hard enough to make him puke? Like I've never actually made one.... explode....
    That seems pretty painful. Doesn't the guy lose a nut? What if he gets CASTRATED?

    1. The level of damage you cause a mans testicles is up to you. You are free to use whaterver damage you think is fair.

      We do talk about rupture a lot on here but most punishments just involve swelling and bruising and not total destruction. Rupture is a lot of fun so you might want to give it a try to see if you like it. Rupture is very painful for the man but thats part of the fun.

  5. Hello there, I am a male that has 1 testicle left. My wife kicks my balls almost daily. Sometimes it is for punishment and sometimes for fun. I agree with this as it keeps me in line. The day i lost my testicle it was just for fun. She is a plus sized woman that kicks very hard. She only kicks full force. She kicked me and i immediately knew my left testicle had been damaged. She immediately stepped on it with all of her weight. After she stood on my damaged ball she grabbed ahold of it and crushed the remaining portion out its casing. She took me to the hospital to have it removed. When we got home she made me take 10 more kicks to my remaining ball. I have come to the understanding that i do not deserve testicles and will be fully castrated soon.

  6. I will never forget the first time a girl kicked my balls. I had to have an operation and it changed the shape of the left one and it didn't drop properly. I was very afraid of the power of older girls for the rest of my school days. haha

  7. I am a man i agree completely with what has been said

  8. If I may add, I plan on leaning forward slightly should I ever be bared before a woman to give her a better angle. If I'm standing straight there's a lower chance of my testicles getting trapped against my pelvis and sliding up more toward my pubes instead. If I'm angled slightly forward then anywhere my balls could try to slip would also include bone and it's bone that'll do the real damage to me.
    Technicaly doggy style would be best but then I couldn't see the kicks coming and I definitely would deserve to suffer through watching my testicles get destroyed

    1. I just had my right testicle ruptured and I agree it was much more devistating having to watch the whole time! We talked too, she called it my testicle and I called it my testicle so I always had to be completely aware what was happening to me!


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