James's punishment

Below is his response to you all. Thank you for helping him do the right thing.

After reading the comments I contacted the woman who initially punished me. We met up at my place and over a coffee we discussed how to procced. I admitted to her that I had not behaved correctly when initially sentenced to take 25 kicks to my testicles. I told her I should have given a much higher number when asked and that I tried to avoid taking a fair punishment.

It was hard for me to talk about this with her but she hugged me and was very kind. I told her I should have requested a harsh punishment at the time and given a much higher number of kicks and I failed to even mention the use of testicle rupture. I should have mentioned that testicle rupture was an option that I would accept so she would consider it but didn’t. I admitted that I was scared of serious injury and that I was a coward.

She told me how after the punishment she felt it was not enough and wanted to say something. She was pleased I mentioned it and was keen to discuss a way forward.

It was very difficult but I told her that for trying to avoid the correct punishment I should be punished very harshly. I told her how many of you supported the use of rupture and that I should lose a testicle. She was very happy to hear that and agreed to destroy one of my testicles.

I was tied up again in the same way and kicking was used as the method of punishment. I screamed in pain and cried as I felt my testicles being damaged. I could not believe the pain that got worse with each kick. I felt a gripping pain not just in my testicles but in my abdomen as well. I found it hard to breath and struggled for breaths. My testicles swelled and the pain just got worse it was the most intense pain imaginable.

It took about an hour as she did leave gaps in the kicks to cause a rupture. But one kick caused my left testicle to split open. I could feel it tear and could not even speck. I took a few more kicks before she used her hands to flatten the testicle to complete the punishment.

It was so painful but I am grateful for what she did and feel better about it. I went to hospital and I have now recovered. I deserved to lose a testicle and I think we all wanted this.

I am happy to answer questions.


  1. Hi James. I'm a woman and wanted to say that I'm very proud of you. So you only one ball now? What is that like for you? Many men here have lost a testicle but you're a lot more well known so its interesting seeing you lose a ball.

    1. Yes I only have one testicle. I deserved to lose it and I'm glad I did. I should have behaved properly and paid a fair price. I think this shows how men cant be trusted and ask for fair punishment. It was also very painful feeling the testicle being destroyed but it was deserved.

    2. Hi, I'm the same woman. You did deserve it. But I'm glad you took it so well. Having only one ball will certainly make you think about take your punishment from now on and being kicked in your only testicle like 50 times will be very scary.

    3. I do find kicking is very common and now taking kicks to one testicle will be scary. The number of kicks is never reduced but now one testicle must take the same force as two. It is possible I will take my next rupture during a routine punishment.

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    1. As my testicle was getting close to rupture I could feel ripping pain inside it. This sharp pain slowly increased and is part of the punishment. But I knew it had ruptured when I felt a explosion of pain that started at one point then erupted out as the rupture formed. I was shaking and unable to speak but she could see my pain. I took a few more kicks before the testicle lost its round shape and it was then she was happy with the rupture. By this point some of the internals had been torn out. She then used her fingers and thumb to squeeze down on my testicle to work the rest of the internals out to flatten the organ.

      She wanted to flatten it properly and I could feel flesh tearing as she spent about 10 minutes maybe 20 making sure it was flat across the whole testicle. I deserved this.

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    1. Yes we are still friends and she has checked in on me a few times.

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  6. Well like you said it starts like a painful ache gripping your body. It spreads from between the legs to the stomach. The pain become so extreme it can cause spasms or shaking and I experienced those. But as a testicle because close to rupture it starts to tear apart and this is the sharp, ripping pain. Then there is an explosion of pain as the testicle ruptures. It is like a tearing pain as the testicle goes then this sharp pain continues as she tears up the testicle by flattening it. The pain once the testicle ruptures is way, way worse than at the begining. I could not speak at all as she flattened out my testicle. I just shook and struggled to breath as she did it.

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  8. I am so very fascinated by the feelings, how it feels to the woman doing it. Is she willing to narrate and reply?

  9. Hi James. I'm 17 and a girl and my father just lost a ball to me kicking him recently. Its really cool knowing a guy (especially my own dad) lost a testicle because of me.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Me and him were sitting around the house and noticed he was staring at me in a sexual way which I found inappropriate. So told demanded I kick him in the balls 100 times. Im very fit so I kicked his balls really hard and fast. Afterward one ball was totally destroyed and the other was really swollen and squishy. Like it would have been so easy to pop it with my hands, which I almost did. But then decided to let him keep it....For now lol
      The remaining ball was so damaged from the kicks that it barely works and they still had to remove a large part it of it in order to save it.
      So I guess he really has like half a ball lol

      The rush I got from knowing that I basically castrated my father was amazing and even turned me on a little. I'm definately going to pop some more balls soon.

    3. Nice work destroying your father's testicles. Sounds like he deserved it. Do you have any brothers or boys at school with balls you want to pop?

  10. I am a girl of 14, was very excited when a friend showed me this blog. I was with a bf last week and he would not stop and went too far even after I said no. I liked the kissing, but he was going way to far. I was afraid so I decided to play along and reached into his shorts. He let me so I carefully felt his testicles and connected my forefinger and thumb above them. Once I knew I had them I pulled and squeezed at the same time. He screamed and fell back. Suddenly I went from being afraid to feeling completely in control. Because he was still moving, I tried to push my thumb right through his right testicle, which caused him to freeze!
    I left him there and don't know what happened afterward, but it felt so good! I want to be like the girls here and next time want to experience feeling a testicle burst.

    1. Wow! That's amazing! If you gouged his right testicle that hard, he probably had to have it removed. I'm a 34 year old woman and have been doing this for 6 years.

  11. Hello, I am Trisha the girl above. Please tell tell me how you do it. How will it feel? Sounds like you must enjoy doing it. I felt excited and it felt so good to feel so in control. I want to know more. How do you know they are about to rupture? I have heard of this testicle flattening, how exactly do you do it?

    1. Hi, The amazing rupture explanation article is a good read if you are interested. Getting a ball to burst is an amazing feeling and I would recommend you try it.

    2. Getting a testicle to rupture is a great feeling but it can be hard especially if you are just starting out and it is your first rupture. A good way to start is get the man to take off his pants and ask him to stand with his legs apart and his arms behind his back. Then kick his exposed testicles. maybe start a bit softer to introduce him to pain the increases and it is easier to aim when you kick a bit softer. Once you are able to aim and hit his testicles well add a bit more force over time until you are kicking as hard as you can. When a kick lands let him take the pain and his body may twist. Ask him to resume the position as the pain fades so he can take the next kick. Keep doing this until you see his testicles are swollen and sit lower in the sac.

      This will make them more tender and softer. The kicking should be fun for you and painful for him especially if you get some good full force kicks in with boots on!

      The ask him to lay down face up and grip his testicles. Isolate one testicle at a time and squeeze down hard. try to focus pressure in the middle of the testicle with a thumb if you can. It may take a few minutes but that is ok. tell him to lay still and eventually you will get a rupture. As you squeeze the testicle you will feel it resist you like if you squeeze a tennis ball but once it ruptures it weakens and does not try to bounce back. You can then keep pushing into the testicle until you can feel your fingers with your thumb through the testicle. push into the testicle at different points to flatten it out and then you will have done it. Well done!

      Rupture is very safe for the woman and can be good fun. Try to enjoy it.

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