Good Feedback
Hi All,
I have received some good feedback and support so I wanted to say thank you. One response was very good from a man.
I think this shows that its not just women who support this and women do have a right to defend themselves. This also shows people talking about and sharing these ideas so more women can use the method I discuss if they need to.
It is also nice to hear people supporting the idea of a woman striking a mans testicles if she is offended by him. I think this is becoming more popular and is very effective. There is a good attitude in society that is a woman kicks a man in the balls he must have deserved it. I was reading another page where women were talking about the best ways to surprise kick or knee a man in the balls with the most force. The page talks about timing it right so the woman's foot or knee can best connect with the testicles for the best result. Which I think is a good thing.
But both that page and the feedback here shows good men have no issues with this so its ok. Another thing many dont know is pain or damage to the testicles is considered and acceptable punishment in many parts of the world.
Below is a link to a suspected rapist in Africa being punished by having a rock tied around his testicles.
The rock is light enough so it doesn't tear off the testicles but has enough weight to slowly crush them in the bottom of this scrotum resulting in an very effective punishment. One source stated that the string tied around the testicles limits blood flow causing the testicles to swell over time which on its own is very painful. Then the rock adds pressure to the swollen testicles causing a pain that, over hours grows. The male is periodically rocked to help increase the pain.
Once accused the male is sentenced by village elders who decide how long the punishment should last. This is a very progressive system as it allows a woman without evidence to make the accusation and see the male punished. So there is no chance of a rapist going free.
The male is subjected to between 2 and 8 hours of this torture depending on the offence. Inappropriate behavior gets 2-4 hours but rape get the full 8 hours. but it does not take long for the testicles to become permanently damaged so even a short session is effective. Most men who take more than 4 hours are essentially castrated.
Another one from Africa.
Suspected rapist are already punished with painful castration in many parts of Africa. I read about a case where a man was accused of rape. He originally got away with it because she didn't have proof. This was not fair on the woman because she was denied justice.
The woman then spoke to the wife's of the the village elders. The wives all agreed the man should face punishment for the crime anyway. The wives then persuaded the village elders to authorize a punishment. They agreed it would be a good example to punish the male and that if the woman was this determined she must be telling the truth.
The rapist thought he had gotten away with it so it was easy for them to find him so he could face justice.
He was tied down with his limbs stretched out and string was tied around his testicles. Then a flat stone was placed between his legs and his testicles were rested on it. Next an empty plastic container was placed over the testicles that could be filled with water. The weight of the water would crush the testicles. Once prepared for the punishment the man pleaded his innocence but they ignored him. But he soon stopped and appeared to accept the punishment, maybe a sign he was guilty.
A woman close to the girl he raped was chosen to fill the bucket with water. Slowly she filled it which started to crush his testicles causing him extreme pain for over an hour before they both ruptured and were crushed flat. The woman was clever and quickly filed it enough to cause him pain but then only added small amounts to prolong the torture. In the end most people seemed happy with the punishment including some men. I think it was a good example and it would be nice to see more punishments like this.
So given all this women learning the testicle twist in the USA should not be considered strange. It is a good tool and one women should learn. Just thought I would share some of this with you.
I have received some good feedback and support so I wanted to say thank you. One response was very good from a man.
Anonymous15 February 2018 at 20:58
I'll be honest, as a man I was not happy about this site when I heard it mentioned by a girl at my univercity. But now I understand that women need to know this to stay safe so I kind of agree with it now. I can tel you that what you discuss here will work and be very painful for a man. Rapist deserve all they get.
I think this shows that its not just women who support this and women do have a right to defend themselves. This also shows people talking about and sharing these ideas so more women can use the method I discuss if they need to.
It is also nice to hear people supporting the idea of a woman striking a mans testicles if she is offended by him. I think this is becoming more popular and is very effective. There is a good attitude in society that is a woman kicks a man in the balls he must have deserved it. I was reading another page where women were talking about the best ways to surprise kick or knee a man in the balls with the most force. The page talks about timing it right so the woman's foot or knee can best connect with the testicles for the best result. Which I think is a good thing.
But both that page and the feedback here shows good men have no issues with this so its ok. Another thing many dont know is pain or damage to the testicles is considered and acceptable punishment in many parts of the world.
Below is a link to a suspected rapist in Africa being punished by having a rock tied around his testicles.
The rock is light enough so it doesn't tear off the testicles but has enough weight to slowly crush them in the bottom of this scrotum resulting in an very effective punishment. One source stated that the string tied around the testicles limits blood flow causing the testicles to swell over time which on its own is very painful. Then the rock adds pressure to the swollen testicles causing a pain that, over hours grows. The male is periodically rocked to help increase the pain.
Once accused the male is sentenced by village elders who decide how long the punishment should last. This is a very progressive system as it allows a woman without evidence to make the accusation and see the male punished. So there is no chance of a rapist going free.
The male is subjected to between 2 and 8 hours of this torture depending on the offence. Inappropriate behavior gets 2-4 hours but rape get the full 8 hours. but it does not take long for the testicles to become permanently damaged so even a short session is effective. Most men who take more than 4 hours are essentially castrated.
Another one from Africa.
Suspected rapist are already punished with painful castration in many parts of Africa. I read about a case where a man was accused of rape. He originally got away with it because she didn't have proof. This was not fair on the woman because she was denied justice.
The woman then spoke to the wife's of the the village elders. The wives all agreed the man should face punishment for the crime anyway. The wives then persuaded the village elders to authorize a punishment. They agreed it would be a good example to punish the male and that if the woman was this determined she must be telling the truth.
The rapist thought he had gotten away with it so it was easy for them to find him so he could face justice.
He was tied down with his limbs stretched out and string was tied around his testicles. Then a flat stone was placed between his legs and his testicles were rested on it. Next an empty plastic container was placed over the testicles that could be filled with water. The weight of the water would crush the testicles. Once prepared for the punishment the man pleaded his innocence but they ignored him. But he soon stopped and appeared to accept the punishment, maybe a sign he was guilty.
A woman close to the girl he raped was chosen to fill the bucket with water. Slowly she filled it which started to crush his testicles causing him extreme pain for over an hour before they both ruptured and were crushed flat. The woman was clever and quickly filed it enough to cause him pain but then only added small amounts to prolong the torture. In the end most people seemed happy with the punishment including some men. I think it was a good example and it would be nice to see more punishments like this.
So given all this women learning the testicle twist in the USA should not be considered strange. It is a good tool and one women should learn. Just thought I would share some of this with you.
Wow both punishments sound amazing. Would love to see more of them or hear about similar ones. Thank you
ReplyDeleteI gather most of your commenters are women but I'm male. Its hard for me to accept but these types of punishment are deserved for rapists. I can imagine the horror going through that mans head as the container of water was slowly filled. that would be bad but it would make a excellent deterrent for other rapists. I just wonder about the lack of a trail. I can accept this types of punishment but there should be proof first
ReplyDeleteThank you for your message. In truth most men do support these punishment as they are the right way to deal with rapists but thank you for saying so.
DeleteI understand your concern about innocence but rape cases are often very difficult to prove. The man would not testify against himself so we cant trust him so all we can do is go on the womans account. Women rarely lie about these things so her account is enough to understand what happened and decide if the male is to be punished. If he can give evidence to prove the woman is lying then of course the punishment should not go ahead so there is fairness in the two cases.
Also long court cases can be stressful for a woman so the elders were more effective than western courts and gave real justice. Of course no system if perfect but as we have seen from many feminists it is more important all male sex offenders are caught then it is to guaranty guilt 100%. Also thinking back to the male who's testicles were crushed by the water container. For more than an hour he felt extreme crushing pain but did not once beg to be released. Instead he accepted his fate showing he deserved it and the people who witnessed it were in favor of it.
Thank you for your reply. I do support the idea of these punishments for rapists but I think we need to make sure a man is 100% guilty before sentencing him. A castration by crushing can last several hours and is permeant damage so i think we must be sure.
DeleteAs a man I would hate for myself or someone else to be falsely accused and punished in this way. But I would be happy to know this was a punishment that could be used on me if I was a rapist.
In the case of the male who's testicles were crushed by the water container that sounded like a fair result that everyone was happy with but I still think we need to be sure.
Its good you agree with these types of punishment because they are needed. I understand your concern about making sure the man is guilty but that is very hard to do in many cases and we cant just not worry about crimes because its hard to prove they happened.
DeleteAlso castration should be used in cases of stalking, sexual harassment and attempted rape. In cases of attempted rape a woman might run away from a situation because she thought she might be raped and that is attempted rape but very hard to prove. So we cant just ignore these crimes. Should we empty all the jails if we find one false conviction? No, of course not. No system would be perfect but the one we have needs improving.
Its good you agree with the need for slow castration but you seem like a good guy so its unlikely you would ever have to face such a fate. You even noted how there was a good result with the water container crushing even though there was no trial.
I think you're right, in the attempted rape situation there would be no evidence so a court would have to find a man guilty. There would be no point in a trail as she is the only one who can be trusted to give evidence. He would then need to be slowly castrated as punishment. He would just have to accept it. This would be fairest way to deal with the situation.
DeleteSexual harassment can also one simple sentence a man has said so there would be no proof either. The man could just be given a time to attend a facility to receive the punishment as a trail would achieve nothing. I suppose stalking or other crimes would be up to the woman to decide if they crossed the line.
Yeah you're right about it not being 100 percent no system is 100 percent so we can accept that a few innocent men will be punished like this. Would you consider lesser punishments for smaller crimes like the destruction of one testicle or just pain caused to them?
Glad you agree with me about there no being a need for trails.
DeleteAs for lesser punishments I would like to see them used as well. A man could have his testicles crushed like in the comment below with the X frame but the torture is stopped before rupture happens.
I also like the idea of a woman being able to tell a man he must let her kick his testicles or she will have him castrated for smaller crimes and annoyances. The pair could agree on a number of kicks to the mans testicles and she would dish them out. This would be very painful for the male and would still probably result in injury to the testicles. Plus I imagine many women would use this method to cause ruptures any way.
Also punishments where needles are pushed though the testicles are very effective. A few needles causes severe pain but many can damage the testicles. A good addition to this is to tie a bit of thread with knots in it to the needles and pull that through the testicle. That will help to increase the damage to the internals of the testicles and add more to the pain the male feels. I would recommend starting at the top of a testicle running down to the bottom so the thread is pulled through more meat then if you went side to side.
Electricity is good as well. An insulated needle with just the tip exposed can be pushed into the testicles and current sent through the balls. This is the best part of a man to do this and will cause good pain. If used enough another benefit of this torture is the burns can damage the testicles permanently or even leave them useless. By sending current many different paths the testicles can be ruined easily.
As a man what do you think or do you have any ideas?
Wow those tortures do sound scary but they would get ride of sexual harassment pretty quick. After feeling the needles and thread or your clever method of electric shocks I would behave. Both those tortures would be very painful. You seem to have a good knowledge of testicles. The thought of feeling a thread being pulled through one of my balls is terrifying then to think this would be done many times to each ball.
DeleteBut I have been kicked in the balls like you say before. I once said something a bit sexist to a woman at a party and she found me alone later. She said she was not happy and asked if I would let her kick me in the balls 6 times.
I obviously agreed and we went somewhere quiet. She kicked me very hard, It was very painful and each kick dropped me to the ground. I removed my pants at her request so she could target my testicles better but it really did hurt. At the end my left ball swelled right up and was bruised. Afterwards she made sure I was ok and was pleased with the swollen testicle. She told me that often happened with hard kicking. I've never been into ballbustign or done anything like that but I felt the punishment was fair.
I did some reading online and found this to happen quite a bit. Some women will go out and do this quite a lot. The woman I met was defiantly very skilled. So this idea can work well.
As for other ideas I did read this here
The use of fire to burn the genitals has been used successfully throughout history. So this is nothing new and a form of torture/punishment that works very well. The way the penis protrudes from the means it can be safely burned without damaging any major organs.
Fire is also a very effective way to cause pain and I feel would be perfect for use on a man’s penis. It also destroys the flesh it burns which is also needed in this case. I think we can mostly agree that for these crimes a male deserves the destruction of this penis if the woman requests it and it needs to be painful to send a message.
The male could be tied firmly face up to a table of some kind to face the punishment. A length of string could then be tied around the tip of his penis and secured to the ceiling. Once pulled tight this holds the penis still and vertical.
A officer can then use a small flame. One that is as small as possible while still having enough heat to burn flesh. Starting at the tip she can apply the flame to the penis in 30 second bursts to punish him. This will be extremely painful for the man and help to prolong the punishment.
Slowly she can apply the flame making sure she totally destroys the flesh before moving gradually down the shaft of the penis. The male can also watch this being done to add to his suffering. It would also be nice if as a man was feeling this punishment he could apologies to the woman and show remorse. After he has felt the fire for a bit, seeing his desire to speak the torture could even be paused briefly so he could deliver this message. Then the punishment would be resumed.
With practice a woman could make this last a couple of hours potentially. So it would be very effective. Then another torture could be used to destroy the testicles another time.
I think this would be a good and fair way to firstly torture the penis and destroy it. I think a woman would get some solace from knowing this was to happen to her attacker and even watching or participating in the punishment. Once done a man would have suffered and will hopefully learn from what was done to him and accept he deserved that punishment. A lot of men can see the need for these punishments and would support this discussion as well as women.
Its ok to be sacred of those tortures, they are supposed to be scary and extremely painful. The one where threads are attached to the needles is supposed to take hours per testicle as be the most intense pain.
DeleteI like the penis torture you linked and everyone should read that. It would be very effective and a good torture to do alongside testicle torture. It would be fun to watch happen as well so thank you for posting.
you mentioned you were punished? Maybe that's why you were hesitant to agree to testicle torture when we first started talking? Was it that you knew you should be punished that way yourself? What you said must have been wrong and you should have been more seriously punished. It sounds like she did a good job kicking you if she made a testicle swell. Did she trap it against your body?
It sounds like she was experienced but I think 6 kicks was far too little, you should have taken more. Why did she only give you 6? Did you try talk her out of it or was the location not ideal?
Its good you exposed your testicles and that is probably why she was able to damage your left testicle but you needed to take more than that. You sound like a nice guy but you should have taken at least a dozen kicks if not more. Or maybe you deserved to suffer the testicle twist? Do you mind going into more detail about the event?
Thank you for your reply. You mentioned about a trapped testicle and yes on my 5th kick she trapped it against the bone and I felt a much more intense burst of pain from inside that testicle. It sounds like you really know about damaging testicles.
DeleteI also hope it didn't sound like I was against what happened to me. I deserved the kicks and she explained that she would be kicking my exposed testicles hard to cause high pain. It was painful but I agree with the practice and felt she was very professional about how she conducted the punishment.
I think you maybe right about 6 kicks being a low number. From what I have read online about women who do this regularly they normally give, like you said at least a dozen kicks. But I did not argue at all and 6 was the number she decided. She did say she was going to kick as hard as she could but I think women do that any way. I understand these women often intentionally cause injury the testicles and are often proud of it which is why I'm surprised more kicks were not given. Especially as she was very happy to see the swelling she caused in the testicle she trapped.
There were others in the house and although we were behind a locked door she might have been concerned about a more lengthy session. Looking back I probably should have taken more kicks.
I admit I used to think the testicle twist or any torture than ruptured a testicle was reserved for the act of rape. As I learned it could be used for lesser offenses I did get worried. What I said was dumb but that too bad and while you are right to say I should have been kicked more I feel rupture is maybe too much. Its scary to talk about because we are talking about my testicles being crushed until they rupture. I did wrong but I really don't think I deserve the testicle twist.
I see you didn't tell us what was said by you. I get the feeling it was not acceptable and you know it. I think we all know you deserve way more kicks and like worldwide said you should take at least 20 kicks.
DeleteIt sounds like you have accepted this so why not tell us what happened so we can decide. Then you can call this woman and offer her the chance to punish you properly. Maybe she was worried about doing too much in a house with other people in it. In that case you should have offered to go somewhere else so you could be kicked far more.
In cases of testicle injury a male will cry out with pain. She might have been worried about this so did not want to fully punish you. I still think you probably deserve the testicle twist or the rupturing of a testicle. If she wanted to would you consider letting her kick you in the testicles until she ruptured one? Or maybe letting her stand on one to pop it?
DeleteI cant remember exactly what I said but it was sexist so I deserve punishing. You are right I should be punished far more harshly. I was shocked by your idea of agreeing to let her kick my testicles until one ruptures but I have to admit I deserve it. Lying would be wrong and would probably mean more kicks. I am going to call or contact the woman to discuss this and hopefully I will be punished more harshly. I will ask for a minimum of 20 kicks as hard as she can. I hope that's enough.
But I will ask to be tied up because there is no way I could stand for that many kicks. Then I'll only be let down after each kick connects with my balls.
I have read your posts and from what I understand she could and should have used the testicle twist to punish me for what I said. She could have used it to very slowly destroy both testicles. If she wanted she could have done that and I would have had to agree to it. I accept that if at the time she had wanted to use the twist to cause rupture she would have had every right to and if she asked me the right thing to do would be cooperate and suffer the punishment. I see that but as so much time has past can she still do that to me if we met again?
What should I do? Should I mention the testicle twist or testicle rupture at all. From what I remember she would have loved to cause a rupture if she could so I'm scared she'll jump at the chance and I'll lose a testicle or two. What should I do? I see a few of you commenting so please help me with this. I obviously want to keep my balls.
Honestly Lucy has more Authority on this than I do.
DeleteBut in my opinion if she feels like you deserve more punishment you should let her do whatever she wants.
If what you did wasn't that bad than you should have nothing to be afraid of. But weather you think you'll lose a testicle or not you should still take responsibility.
Hi I'm the guy that wrote the account of the twist at the bottom.
DeleteYou sound worried but you also made a mistake and should be punished for that. You are also right that if you deserved the testicle twist a while ago when you said this sexist thing then that does not expire. She can still give you it now and that is something you just have to accept. But surely it is better to get it over with than worrying about it?
It will hurt a lot and she can make the pain last but you deserve that. I think you should call her and discuss this so you can be punished. You should also bring up the testicle twist and ask her directly if she would like to rupture one of your testicles. Make it clear you have no problem with her popping one and tell her others have recommended it. That way she can chose to rupture a testicle if she likes. You should tell her to read all this and talk about slow castration techniques.
You should not avoid your punishment.
Ok. *deep breath* I have read what you said and you guys are right. I will contact her and talk about this blog and how my punishment was not enough. I will recommend I be tied up and she kick me in the testicles at least 20 times as hard as she can as that is what I feel if fair. I will accept any damage caused by that punishment including rupture. I will stress how 20 in the minimum number of kicks.
DeleteI will also talk about the testicle twist and the story of the man at the bottom of the page. I think she would love to rupture one or both my testicles and I will tell her she can. I will agree to whatever torture or damage she wants but I feel I don't deserve to be castrated fully but accept a single rupture is probably fair. I'll keep you posted on what happens.
If you do go ahead with the kicking punishment then you should be tied up with your legs apart so she can line up her best kicks. She should kick your testicles as hard as she can and try to cause as much damage as possible. You should tell her that is she feels a kick is off target then she can repeat it. Both of you should share the goal of maximising testicle damage.
DeleteAlso you should take all the kicks no matter what. For instance if she wants you to take 30 kicks but at kick 25 a testicle ruptures then the kicks continue. This is a fair way to do it.
Rupture can just be part of the punishment and that way after a testicle first ruptures the other kicks can continue to damage that testicle or she can try to pop your last one. The force of the kicks should not decrease in the event of rupture either.
She should leave gaps between the kicks to prolong the punishment and make sure you feel each kick in isolation. The gaps at the end should get longer as the pain from each kick last longer, especially after one has ruptured. As you are punished you should behave and not swear of be rude to her. If you do you deserve more kicks being added to your punishment. If rupture happens you should tell her as I am sure she will be pleased to know. If you can, congratulate her on her success.
Then at the end when the kicks are finished accept she may want to add more if she is not pleased with the damage. You should invite her to give you more if no rupture has happened. Or if you have a rupture she may want to squeeze it flat.
I hope this helps
I feel like after all of the dodging of a proper punishment he's tried to do that his punishment should be worse for it.
DeleteNot accepting a punishment or delaying it can be almost as bad as the action itself
Thank you world wide I agree I deserve the type of kicking you describe. I was going to share your idea with her if you don't mind and that may well be what happens to me. I will also be very clear rupture is encouraged and does not mean the end of the punishment.
DeleteThe comment above me is right that I have tried to avoid this so I will ask for her to take that into consideration. To whoever wrote that comment can you detail how you feel I should be punished? I can then take that to her. Thank you.
Honestly, I think just doubling or tripling the amount of kicks plus some penus torture will do. And like worldwide said, if you happen to lose a testicle then you deserve it.
DeleteHi I had a swollen ball with 5 kicks so I am already fearing rupture with 20 to 30 kicks. So if I take 60 to 90 kicks I reckon both testicles will be pulp or we my have to stop early so my scrotum does not burst open as I will be bleeding internally from my testicles rupturing. Could we agree that after both testicles have ruptured I would have them squeezed flat and that be the end?
DeleteBut I do deserve more and thank you all for your honesty.
I don't know if she knows of any ways to torture a penis. Others have commented about using a candle to burn the penis slowly which I could bring up with her. Or do you have any ideas?
Ok...... So I called her.
DeleteShe was happy to hear from me and looking back she agrees she should have done way more to me. She sounded nice and was keen, like I am to have me punished fairly. We chatted a bit and I told her of the kicking method worldwide mentioned. She told me how she has not punished anyone in a while so she was very excited by this.
She was very interested about a torture that can cause rupture and I was honest with her about how she can do that. She sounded interested but I'm not sure if she will pop one of my balls. I gave her a like to this page so she can view the comments.
I would ask that you all comment on how I should be punished in as much details as possible so she can read it. (She asked me to post that) You can be a cruel as you want as long as you think it is fair. So If anyone knows about rupture please add your comments to help her.
It sounds like you have made a big step in putting this right and its great she welcomes it. It is good to read how you are open to testicle rupture as you do deserve it.
DeleteI think that you should be tied up for kicking but rather than a set number she should be allowed to kick you until a testicle ruptures and the rupture is noticeable. Then you should take another 5 kicks at full force after rupture has been detected. Doing it this way means she can kick you softer loads of times and not need to worry about making each kick count. SO your punishment can last hours and you can take over 100 kicks.
Then she can squeeze flat the ruptured testicle and that will be the end of your punishment. But while you are being punished if you are rude or swear she should add kicks to the number you take after rupture. So saying fuck gets 2 kicks added it the 5 at the end making 7. Or she can add kicks for other reasons.
SO behave and suffer well or if enough kicks are added your second ball might pop too. Also the testicle is only declared ruptured when she can feel the rupture on your testicle with her fingers. This means that at first the rupture might be hard to find but a few more kicks should widen it. If you disagree when she does not think it is ruptured then more kick should be added on at the end.
Just be aware you will need to go to the hospital after your punishment so plan for that.
Would you consider filming this punishment? There are not that many rupture videos online.
DeleteThank you Lucy for your suggestion. I think she will like it a lot. I like how you say to think about the hospital afterwards. I think we will have to do that. The punishment itself is probably what I deserve thank you for your fair honesty. But I am still so scared of having a testicle popped.
DeleteI have read about testicle rupture and it is a serious injury. Its not just the pain but you can go into shock and bleed a lot. We seem to have to men who have had a testicle ruptured so can any of those give me some advice or elaborate on how it affected them afterwards? Or have any men out their lost a testicle to kicking like Lucy describes?
Also I was planning on pointing a camera at a 45 degree angle to my crotch so you can watch my testicles take the kicks. That way you can see them being damaged and judge my punishment for yourself. I am hoping to film the rupture as well so you can confirm it and watch a male as he feels a ball pop.
Hey, its awesome you plan on filming it and I am sure many will want to watch it. There are not many videos of testicle rupture on line so this will be awesome.
DeleteI understand your worries and would hope some of the men out there will give comment on how they handled a ruptured testicle. from what I know you will feel extreme ripping pain long before it pops and when it does the pain will be so high you will struggle to breath. If you feel too light headed or like you might vomit then the punishment may need to be paused. Also plan how you are going to get to the hospital afterwards.
Also once a testicle is ruptured it will bleed into the scrotum. This will cause it to slowly grow over time and can make kicking difficult. So once the testicle has ruptured any more kicks should be done quickly. One thing she can do it hold the testicle with one hand pulling to the surface and punch it with the other. Or she can squeeze it until it is flat.
If she is holding the ruptured testicle between her fingers and thumb she if she pushes down with her thumb and moves it side to side she should be able to feel it on her fingers through your testicle. That is a good test to make sure the testicle is flat. Flattening a testicle can take time so you must be patient and let her do this to you.
The pain will be severe but you deserve it.
One thing that might help is this video.
it is only a preview to the main video but in it a male is kicked by a professional until a testicle is ruptured. She kicks hard as you will need to be so this is similar to what you will have done. She inspects his testicles and they are clearly very badly damaged and it looks like there is bleeding from a rupture. After that she states she wants more damage so continues to kick the testicles. His scrotum swells from the bleeding and any internals forced out of the testicle. At the end he is taken to a hospital and recovers ok.
If you see his scrotum at the end this is how your scrotum will look. But this should help you and the woman with the punishment.
Lucy said most of what needed to be said, but I would also advise that if you struggle or act rude you should be fair to the woman and ASK HER to rupture and flatten the other one as well.
DeleteBe as courteous as possible. If she asks to kick or torture your other testicle once she is done with the first then that is her right and you should not argue with that.
Also maybe use this punishment as a way of getting it all out.
If you have ever done or said something wrong to another woman tell her about it so she can punish you accordingly.
Hi that you for the advice. She has read this and wants to make the punishment worse because I avoided justice. A few of you have pointed it out so she agrees with you. I agree with you guys that I need a more serious punishment as well as it is only fair.
DeleteI have continued reading on rupture and both her and I have watched the video. She loved it and said she wants to do that to my testicles. This means at least one rupture. Unlike him I will be tied up so she will still be able to still kick my testicles after rupture. This will help damage them more.
I was sad a bit sad at first but you guys are right it is fair. I am grateful you have taken the time to write about rupture so we can learn about it. I now accept it is fair and she has told me a rupture will happen so I cant get out of it now.
She did ask the men as well as the two women, how much should she squeeze my testicle to flatten it? She just wants to make sure it will need to be removed.
Squeeze until the innards stop oozing out and until you can feel the rest of your hand through it with your thumb.
DeleteThe comment above me is right she will feel the contents of your testicle ooze out from where the testicle ruptures. She will then slowly drain your testicle by moving her thumb around it and pushing down.
DeleteBut the testicles are not filled with fluid the internal structure is all connected so she as she pushes this internal mass will be ripped away from the testicle wall. You will feel the internals tear and in some parts be crushed. Bits will be torn away and can be still connected to you as they are forced out of the testicle. So in some cases you will still feel the flesh that oozes out. Some people compare this to tenderizing.
The process takes a long time to do correctly and can easily take 20 minutes. She will have to make sure that no part of the testicle has anything left in it and is thin. She should be able to push down with her thumb and feel her fingers through your testicle to complete this.
I think any fair minded man would agree with what I have said as this is the best way to destroy a testicle. It will be painful for you but stay strong and take it. You do deserve this.
Hey Im the guy who felt the twist for 40 minutes.
DeleteI read that and if sounds right. I felt tearing the whole time she flattened my ball. It takes time to do right so just let her work. The pain will hold you still so you wont be able to talk to her.
I remember thinking back as I was being punished she pushed her thumb right down moving it side to side like Lucy tells. She did this at I think 3 points on the chosen ball. I think she was doing this to make sure it was flat. She made a remark about flattening it as well so women have been doing this a while.
You don't need to totally flatten a ball to destroy it but she should do it for your crime. Like I did you deserve it.
Just read the rest and Lucy plus the men have really explained rupture well. The only thing I could add would be to warn her that at rupture a testicles goes from being strong able to take 90 pounds of weight to being very soft. So when you feel it pop remove all pressure then start slow and if you get it wrong pop his other ball. I have put my full weight on 2 testicles before and it is a very good punishment for a man.
DeleteI would like to ask the woman who is to punish you some questions. Either relay them or have her comment.
1, Are you comfortable with all this do you need to talk to anyone more about this punishment. Not just doing it but the need for medical care afterwards?
2, Have you thought about rupturing both testicles. I feel the man is trying to focus you on just rupturing one when a castration would probably be better. I wonder what the others think including the men but I think he deserves castration.
3, Are you happy with the kicking punishment? It was recommend but you can castrate him many ways. You can use crushing to torture then rupture the testicles.
Deleteim the guy that lost his left testicle and i think castration is a good idea in general but it is also much deserved in this instance. I would also like the girl to comment. hearing her thoughts and experience with this whole thing would be wonderful.
i would like to ask her a fourth question.
what is your general stance on punishing men?
like, what punishments do you think fit specific crimes?
Hi I am the guy who's punishment we are discussing. Thank you all for what you have written here I will pass on the questions or call her later to make sure she has seen this thread.
DeleteI will admit that I really don't want to be castrated and think it is too much. I deserve the loss of a testicle and the kicking punishment Lucy described. I am getting more scared each day as we plan for my punishment. I nearly had a panic attack after she called me to talk about the way you guys have told her to flatten my testicle. But I have to admit is sounds like a more professional way to do it and I can accept that. I would like to thank all who commented on testicle flattening.
I think castration is too much and I wont be a man or able to have sex afterwards. But She can read this thread so if you think I deserve it then I wont ask you to lie. She is still undecided but you are all making a good case for it. All I ask is that you remember these are my testicles and that is what you want destroying. I am a good person who made a mistake and I will thank her as one of my testicles is ruptured for her kindness but please think of what that will do to me.
If you still feel castration is fair then I accept you have a right to that opinion and I do not blame you for commenting that but can you explain to me why I deserve it?
Either way she will read your posts and she will decide my punishment.
(this comment is talking directly to the woman and i hope she responds)
DeleteI think you should pop both because castration is the only way women can get of male cruelty and sexism. not to mention hes been trying his hardest for almost this entire thread to get away with the smallest punishment he thinks he get.
a slow castration and maybe even removal of the penis would be good.
I can understand your plea but I respect how you agree she can decide your punishment and still want us to promote your very slow, painful castration.
DeleteI know as your kicked you will feel huge amounts of pain as your balls swell. If she takes her time it will be maybe 90 minutes before you feel the excruciating pain of rupture. Even by this point you will have suffered so much. You will be paralyzed with pain as she flattens out your testicle slowly. Then with one ball down you will have felt 2 hours of pain it will have been hard.
Now I am sorry to tell you be at that point you deserve to have your last testicle griped and squeezed. It should be ruptured then flattened as well. You have spend time avoiding pain and even on here you had to be persuaded to take one rupture. So you deserve to lose both balls.
Now to prove you have stopped avoiding the punishment you deserve I want you to do something. She will read this so I want you to write a comment begging her to castrate you as slowly as possible. Give details and sound genuine.
I also ask the men, if you agree he should be castrated please take some time a write a case for it as describe how it should be done.
Ok, ok wait a minute guys.
DeleteI respect you want me to be castrated. I do respect that and I encourage anyone who thinks I should be castrated to argue it so it increases the chance of it happening. She is considering it due to the comments here and I want to thank those who have commented for that.
I would beg anyone who feels I deserve to be castrated to try to persuade the woman who will be doing it to castrate me. I BEG you to do this and thank you in advance. Then if she sentences me to castration I will accept it.
I do all that because I respect your view so why cant you respect mine. These are my testicles and I have a right to say what I think. I do feel castration is too much so instead how about I film the punishment and show you me losing a testicle over 2 hours of torture! then you can comment.
please be fair. Surely some of the men think losing both is too much. Again I agree one rupture is fair.
I actually agree you have that right and respect it but as you said if I disagree then I should say that.
DeleteYou deserve a fair punishment and you should get one which is why you should be castrated. Yes it will be 2 hours of torture but you deserve it and I think you know that.
I like to use a little trick to make a man think straight. It is very simple (I think lucy mentioned this one). I light a candle and put it under the tip of his penis. First I ask the question then if he responds incorrect he takes the flame. I place it so the tip of the flame touches the penis tip. I then remove the flame and ask him again and repeat until I get the answer I want.
At first the flame is passed quickly under the penis. Then over time it stays there longer and longer. This should happen to you until you agree you deserve castration. You talked about fairness so would you agree to these form of questioning. I'm sure other men would agree it could work.
Would you agree to a trail by fire?
Thank you for respecting me world wide. I too respect you view on what should be done to my testicles.
DeleteI cant object to the trail you suggested. it would be wrong of me.
I will explain it to her and say I agree with the trail.
I would be tied to a metal bedframe in the kneeling position. Then my penis will droop down over my testicles so a flame can be applied as she wishes. I can be kept still so my penis will stay over the flame without issue.
q1. Is there a amount of time I can take the flame and she accept my answer of no castration or do I have to keep going until I agree?
q2 I have a long forskin that covers my tip when soft. Should I pull that skin back so the flame can touch my tip directly?
Thank you
Hi I'm a man and I think that just rupturing one testicle is pain enough and I think castration is too much. You deserve to lose one testicle painfully but not both.
DeleteIf we were to implement mandatory castration of convicted rapists, what method do you think would be best? Personally I think the victim should be allowed to perform the testicle twist and rupture both of his testicles as punishment if she chooses.
ReplyDeleteI think an number of methods should be approved but the one I like is slow crushing. The male is tied down to an horizontal X frame and a machine is used to apply pressure to the testicles one at a time. Pressure is applied to the testicle crushing it and then the testicles are swapped every 10 minutes so feeling can return. This will add more pain.
DeleteThe pressure is carefully calculated to cause the most possible pain without bursting the testicle open. Crushing is then used as torture for a number of hours before the testicles are ruptured and crushed flat. I think this would be a fair punishment. What do you think is fair?
I really like this method. It would be great to watch a man suffer this torture.
DeleteHi. I am a man, and I fully support these kinds of punishments. I was reading your conversation with the other guy and you mentioned that he may have deserved the testicle twist for saying something sexist to that woman. Do you think a man should have a testicle ruptured for offending a woman?
ReplyDeleteAlso, you talk about online sources about women defending themselves in your blogs. Could you link me to them if you have the time? Thanks.
DeleteI'll try to find some links but give me some time. Could I recommend a google search to find some?
In response to your first question about deserving rupture for offending a woman it depends on the situation. If it was just a offensive comment with no threat behind it then kicking the testicles would be enough although more than 6 kicks would be needed. I would say more like 15 - 20 kicks. Or if the twist was used then the male could feel pressure designed to crush but not rupture for a time (maybe 30 minutes). Then if the male cooperated with that punishment the issue would be over.
But if the comment was a sexual advance of felt threatening then a punishment resulting in at least one rupture would be more fitting. The woman could make up her mind herself but essentially, yes, the testicle twist might be needed. Not only that but it should be done slowly as well. That might sound cruel if you are a man but it is fair.
I would recommend surprising the male then explaining after the first rupture why this is happening. But one ball could be left in tact as a mercy.
Thank you for the answer. This stuff is hard to swallow at first as a man, but after reading on the subject I get why rupture of at least one ball for rape and even non-rape scenarios in needed and deserved.
DeleteHi there. Its good that as a man you accept this especially for none rape scenarios. It would be nice to know more about your thoughts on the subject if you can elaborate? Both on rupture as self defense and as a punishment. Just trying to share ideas. thank you.
DeleteWell, I think in cases of harm/attempted harm, rape etc both testicles should ruptured and flattened. And In cases of an unwanted sexual advance like groping testicle should popped (but honestly its up for the girl to decide)
DeleteOne thing I've always is if there are other girls who have ruptured one or both of a friend or family members testicles and still maintained a good relationship with them. I honestly think in a situation like that the man should suck it up. She felt endangered by something he did whether he did it on purpose or not she did what she thought she had to do. Any good guy should let something like that go and not hold a grudge over a girl they care about defending themselves even if they a lost a testicle or two.
What do you think?
Sounds like you have a very good, modern view. I agree with rupturing and flattening both testicles in the event of rape or attempted rape but like you said in the case of an unwanted sexual advance it should be upto the woman to decide. She could chose to rupture and flatten both or just one. She could also chose to have this done very slowly to the male, which I would recommend.
DeleteI also think that weather it is a kick in the balls or a slow castration where the male is caused pain for hours he should accept it. He should get over it and while he does not have to like the woman he should be civil with her. If it was a genuine misunderstanding and a woman used the testicle twist to rupture a testicle then the male should accept that misunderstandings happen.
If a woman does not feel safe even if the odds of rape are low then it is better for a man to have the twist used on him, rupturing both testicles then her safety be at risk. Even if she makes the twist last a long time. I think that once a man realizes what is happening he should even cooperate with her. By parting his legs she can get a better grip of the testicles making it easier for her to cause a rupture.
As a man whos had this done to me, I totally agree.
DeleteEven if there's a 1%-5% chance of rape I'd rather a man be castrated than a woman be harmed.
I hope in the future every scumbag whose ever messed with a woman is walking around with a "light load" in his pants.
Its good so many of us can agree on this. I would also like to point out that while castration if a woman feel threatened is a given it can be used in other cases too. If a verbal sexual advance was made or if the man said something offensive rupture is a perfectly fair response. The woman can always chose to do this slowly as well.
DeleteAlso when a woman is kicking a man in the balls as a punishment a man needs to be reasonable. If she is kicking as hard as she can then injury is very likely. As a woman is kicking the testicles one could rupture before she has finished. This can happen with kicking and a man needs to accept that. I'm sick of men complaining when they have had a testicle ruptured by a woman. my first thought is "well maybe you deserved it"
You also mention you have had this done to you. What happened if I may ask? Have you had the twist used on you or some other testicle attack. Can you please elaborate?
I really like how you are welcoming testicle pain as a way a woman can punish a male for bad behavior. I think we really need this in the world as a way to combat toxic masculinity. Most punishments can just be a set of kicks to the balls or an amount of time the testicles are crushed. Often the damage soon heals but the punishment is very effective. I think the man above would agree as well. May I ask if you do?
DeleteTo answer your question at the end:
DeleteYes, I've had the testicle twist used on me. I'm VERY ashamed but a couple of years ago me and a close female friend were at a nightclub. I was drunk and I walked up from behind her and groped her breasts.
She almost he immediately grabbed my left testicle (I was wearing loose pants) and squeezed it until it was ruptured severely.
I went to the hospital where my testicle was removed. Obviusly me and my friend didn't talk very much for awile after that but a couple of months went by and I realized I completely deserve
everything I got If not deserved more. Soon after I realized my mistake I became an advocate of these kinds of punishments. I started talking to my friend again and now we are actually in a relationship.
Also I agree with the rupture for verbal assault thing. If a man is objectifying a woman she should be aloud to pop both of his testicles without consequence.
DeleteThank you very much for your reply. I can tell it was a mistake but I'm glad you can see you deserved that course of action. Firstly she defended herself then secondly I'm glad you see it as a fair punishment. I also hope she feels no guilt for rupturing it.
Deleteit sounds like she did well if it was ruptured severely. So after the testicle wall burst did she maintain pressure to cause more pain and damage?
I think this was a good thing and it sounds like you all benefited from it. Would you mind maybe going into detail from a man's point of view about how it happened? I would like to make a post about it if you dont mind so a full account would be great. She could add to it as well if thats possible. It would be nice to know about how it affected you and how she applied the pressure to your testicles. Also how long did it take for the testicle to rupture then how long did she squeeze if for after that?
I would love to use what you write in a post to help other women do the same to a man.
Thank you for commenting
to Anonymous10 April 2018 at 03:40
DeleteI'm glad you agree as well. But what are your feeling to a woman being allowed to punish a male herself more thoroughly? Rather than just grabbing the testicles to pop them do you think she should be allowed to make him stand so she can kick them like worldwide said? Or maybe use a crushing device to slowly torture the testicles of a man?
Or do you have any ideas of how to punish the testicles. Lastly are you male?
No problem. I'd love to answer these questions!
DeleteI'll do them in order.
1: No, she feels no guilt. In fact even though shes my girlfriend now, she sometimes threatens to rupture my last one if I misbehave on occasion.
2: after the testicle wall burst she kept squeezing as hard as she could. So yes she kept pressure on it not to prolong it.
3: from my point of view when she first grabbed it and started squeezing it was very hard to stand up and I had to clean to her shoulders just to keep myself standing then once she ruptured it, it felt like my left side was being stabbed by a railroad spike. I started to get tunnel vision and then I blacked out. Then when I woke up I had one testicle.
4: how it affected me?
I was depressed about it for a while but got over it in a couple months when I realized it probably wasn't enough.
5: she simply applied pressure by grabbing my testicle and crushing in between her four fingers and her thumb.
6: It took about 1 minute to rupture though it felt like hours to me.
I hope this helps.
I can't think of too many creative ways to do it but I wholeheartedly agree with slow castration of men for anything. Even including ,inappropriate behavior insults, slut-shaming, objectification, and cheating. Kicking is an amazing idea. Kicking till one pops is a good punishment.
DeleteThank you that helps a lot. I bet that minute felt like a long time but there are cases where a woman has taken 10 minutes to get the testicle to pop so in a way you were lucky.
DeleteIf you dont mind me saying and I hope you dont, I think you got off lightly. I know you lost a ball but it was popped pretty quickly. So as to punish you do you think it is fair to say that the procedure could have been prolonged? What are your thoughts on that? Would you be willing to discuss that if a woman is considering trying to prolong the act of rupture?
It sounds like she was just being thorougher by pushing into your testicle after it ruptured. That way you would feel more pain and lose the testicle.
DO you think you could have fought back at all as you were punished. It sounds like you were a good man and took it well but if you wanted to do you think you could have?
It also sounds like with some constant pressure she was quite easily able to rupture yur testicle. Do you think this was correct?
Again thank you so much for contributing.
to Anonymous10 April 2018 at 04:02
DeleteThanks for contributing. I might have to see if there is a chatroom or something we can move the discussion to.
Again no problem!
Delete1: the procedure definitely could have been prolonged. I even said when I was answering the first questions that I think more could have been done.
2: I'm perfectly fine with prolonging rupture. If its safe for the woman, the longer the better.
3: There is no way I could have fought back. I tried to get away when she first started and I could feel my ball being ripped off.
4: Yes. She quit easily ruptured my testicle. Its easy for any woman to do!
Also, when are you posting this article?
DeleteHi Thanks again.
DeleteI'll be posting it in the next day or so I just need to get some details together.
Referring back to the idea of prolonging rupture. First its good to hear you are open to the idea. I really think it is a good practice.
How would you feel if as testicle squeezing happened you were moved down onto the ground and maybe laid on your back. Then she reduced the pressure so the pain was high but the testicle did not quite pop. What if she then spend 30 minutes swapping testicles squeezing them causing you pain to punish you.
Then what if when the testicle was ruptured she spent another 15 minutes slowly flattening it out. This would mean the tear in your testicle wall would happen much slower as well as pain from the contents of your testicle being squished out. If you lost consciousness during this she could wait for you to regain it and continue the punishment. What do you think about that and can I ask you what tips you would give a woman who wanted to prolong the testicle twist to help her maximize how long she can punish the male for? I would love to give advice in the post from a man telling women how to best prolong the twist.
Lastly do you feel you would have deserved to have the procedure prolonged when it was done to you? If so how long would be fair.
Thank you again so much! XXX
Well, honestly if I were to ever do something like that again I would be perfectly fine with a woman doing anything she can to prolong the rupture as long as possible.
DeleteI'm fine with prolonging the rupture happening and continuing to slowly apply pressure for as long as possible after rupture. Its totally fair if you've angered or upset and especially hurt a woman.
Now that I'm more mature I would just lay back and take it knowing that I deserve my castration.
The only advice I can give really is make sure you are safe and continue after rupture to lightly squeeze as if you are popping a grape. If the contents ofbhis testicle coming out feels like molasses in your hand, then you are doing it right.
Also I think I deserved a good couple of hours and maybe even a double rupture.
Thank you for the advice. Sometimes when a testicle is ruptured and pressure maintained then it can be flattened out quickly so I think we should warn women to be wary of this so they can punish men for longer. Anything a woman can do to slow the process is good.
DeleteI think a two hour castration would be fair and in a perfect world, if you dont mind me saying that is how I would like to see you punished.
But that might be difficult to do under most circumstances. with you attitude as it is now if instead of performing the testicle twist on you what if she waited until later and told you she wanted to punish you for your actions. What if she explained that she wanted to take you somewhere private and restrain you. She then explained she wanted to use a vice to torture your testicles for as long as she could before rupturing them and pressing them flat. She then told you this would take at least two hours but she thought it was fair. Would you agree?
Thank you for your first remark, honestly. I don't take offense to it at all. I'm glad that more and more women are starting to develop the attitude that a slow castration is a suitable punishment.
DeleteAs for your question, I would agree to it. Obviously it would hurt but after doing something like that I would deserve no less.
I may even let my girlfriend take the other one now if she wanted to.
Thank you for responding. You have such a good attitude to all this its great talking to you.
DeleteI think punishments like the one you deserved would be best done while the male is restrained in a private place. That way the woman can take as long as she likes with the punishment and the restraints make it safer. Once she has finished she can just leave the male in restraints and call an ambulance. SO its good you would agree to that.
You may let you girl take your last ball? That is a good commitment you have. Again if its ok for me to say, if she is interested in causing you ball pain I think, as your rupture was so quick she should torture your other testicle.
If you dont mind me thinking about this I think it would be fair to squeeze it in one of those plastic ball crushers to cause you pain for about an hour. Then the testicle will be swollen and she can push some sterilized needles through the testicle. She should push them down the length of the testicle real slow avoiding any blood vessels. Thoughts?
I agree. Men should be restrained and punished for as long as possible. Maybe even a whole day.
DeleteAnd about taking my last ball, if we both want to do it, since I am willing to take whatever she wants Maybe it could last for weeks. Like, she could kick me in the ball 30 or so time everyday or put needles in them or both.
Then after a couple of weeks or even a month when she decides to pop it when could do the final torture anand slowly finish off my last testicle.
If she still feels scorned by what I did and wants to do this I won't object.
And once again you are awesome. I'm glad that you are so willing to tell me I deserve a painful castration. Its a good attitude for every girl and woman to have.
Thank you for your kind words.
DeleteMaybe talk to her about how you should be punished. I really think you deserve more pain. I just want to have you punished in a fair way for your crime. It is up to her if you should keep the testicle or not but I think you are a good guy and should keep it but you should be made to feel as much pain to that testicle as possible.
Have you considered penis burning? It is mentioned in another comment. You can just use heat to destroy the tip of the penis and I think you deserve that. If you havent seen the post and have a read. Then I ask would you agree to have that done to you?
My general philosophy on this is that if a woman is hurt my a man she should be able to do literally anything she wants to his genitals for as long as possible.
DeleteAlso, thank you for writing an article about my experience.
Its important that women know this stuff.
Do you think cutting off the penis and torturing the balls is a good idea?
Removal of the penis is a very good punishment but the penis should be tortured slowly while attached to the man. I like the idea of burning it slowly to destroy it and cause the male great pain. Would you let your partner burn you penis if she was destroying your last testicle?
DeleteThe of course I think that torturing the balls is a good idea.
To answer your question: of course I would. If my last ball is gonna be ruptured she can destroy my penis too. Though that one will definitely require being restrained.
DeleteY'know all of this talking about my girlfriend popping my last testicle has got me thinking.
What if you made a sequel to your article " communication during the twist" about communication AFTER the twist. Like if a girl pops a family members ball or a friends over something more minor. And she still wants to maintain a good relationship with the man you could give them advice on what to do and say. Weather it be informing the man that they want to castrate them, just telling them to get over it, asking for more punishment etc.
Do you think that would help women?
Yes I think that would be a good article and would help a lot. Now we live in a world where a woman has the right to rupture a mans testicles for small things we need to discuss this. If a woman ruptures a mans testicle it would be nice if she had some advice on how to talk to him after that.
Deleteespecially if a man does not know he is being threatening and forces a woman to slowly castrate him it would be nice for a guide on how to talk to him after that. Or a way a woman can approach a male and ask him to cooperate with a slow castration.
How did your girl friend act with you after she ruptured your testicle?
She sort of just acted normally. After we started talking again I told her I didn't blame her for what she did and she told me that I shouldn't have blamed her in the first place.
DeleteShe told me I was a better man after I lost my testicle and suggested that more women should do it to all of the men in their lives.
Thats about it though.
It sounds like you were decent about it.
DeleteYou sound like a good man so you accepted it was her right and you were fairly punished. You even accepted you deserved a much longer punishment. I agree with her than many men would be better after receiving this type of punishment even if it was for something minor.
I hope that even if a man was innocent and given a slow castration he could be reasonable about it with the woman afterwards. I hope many men would be like you.
Out of interest do you think your girl would do this to other men? Many deserve it.
She would definately do it to other men. She is very feminist. Im the only guy she has ruptured but she has kicked plenty on men in the testicles before.
DeleteIf another man tried to attack her she would definately flatten their testicles like she did one of mine.
Its great to hear there are more feminists out there. Maybe encourage her to attack testicles more often so she can do more good in the world. Would she consider using the testicle twist if a male was rude or send something offensive?
Deleterupture is such an effective punishment it is a shame more men cant experience it. It would be nice if her reading this would help encourage her to try to get more ruptures.
I myself love how much testicle damage I have caused over the years. I like to do fast kicks or knees when a man is not expecting it as hard as I can. I have not trapped and popped a testicle doing that yet but I really want to.
also you should read the post at the bottom. A new guy posted it. Amazing read.
DeleteI like the part at the end of the third post where he says there's nothing wrong with admitting popping testicles just for fun.
DeleteMany if not most men do it anyway so why not just go for it simply becuase you want to?
Rupture those testicles Lucy! I know you can do it.
Deserve it*
DeleteIt was a good post and it sound like another good guy on our side. Also I have punished a man by rupturing a testicle before just not by a single kick. Maybe I sound right about how I popped a ball. I do admit it was fun to do.
DeleteIf I may ask, how many testicles have you ruptured, have you ever popped both of a mans balls, and what did they do to deserve it?
DeleteI have defiantly popped one testicle and flattened it out one time. I grabbed a man through shorts who was comming on to me once. I dont think I was really in danger but I used the twist and it took about 2 -3 minutes to rupture a testicle then another 30 seconds to flatten. Looking back as soon as he fell down I actually started enjoying it and it felt great to feel the testicle burst open in my hand. I feel it was a fair punishment and he deserved it.
DeleteI dont want to say too much more as a police report was filled.
Then the second time I did not get the best grip on the testicle but I thought I felt it go when I grabbed a man in a night club. I dont think I did but I sure hurt him.
We need more women like you, my girl, and worldwide in this world. Btw my girl read some of your blog and is much more open now to rupturing balls when a guy annoys her.
DeleteIts great to hear about how you popped a ball Lucy and enjoyed it. You're right to keep the details secret but it would be nice to hear more. I have used the twist myself in a similar situation but I was not in danger and I knew that at the time. He was just weird so I used the twist the punish him. Sadly he did not think it was fair but he knew I would say he tried to rape me if he went to police so he had to just deal with it. We dont talk and he hates me but I dont care.
DeleteUse of the testicle twist is actually more common then you think. Most of the time men dont report it and never talk about it so it stays quiet. In some cities most of the men reporting testicle injuries have actually been punished by the twist. So they are used a lot and not just as a defense method. Many men who have had a testicle ruptured had just said the wrong thing. I'm not sure of the exact percentages.
It is also normal to try to make the punishment last as long as possible. This is not always possible to do but women should try to make the man suffer for an hour or more. When I did this I was lucky with the location and did something similar to the account at the bottom. It was a lot of fun and there are a growing number of men who support this.
I came across this blog and think it is fantastic. You provide great information on how to effectively use your hands to cause testicle rupture. I wish more women read this sort of stuff but it is great to see it becoming more popular. Its good both men and women are supporting this and the more people do the more confident women will be using this information for good.
ReplyDeleteI do like how you are explaining ways to cause pain to the testicles and how to prolong crushing them to punish a man. A man who has tried to rape, stalked, harassed or even made bad comments should be made to suffer by slow castration.
I also want to weigh in on the conversation about the man who was kicked in the balls. I, myself have punished men like he described. Typically a man is approached, I explain what he did wrong then we go somewhere private to carry out the punishment. He removes his pants and stands against a wall with his hands behind his back and his legs apart so his testicles are easily accessed. I then aim for the balls making sure my foot hits them first so they take all the force and kick hard. I then expect the man to behave well as I kick him and dont hesitate to add more kicks if he does not.
The man was right in that we often do try to cause injury to the testicles, even for small crimes. I find men dont often like, but do accept this when I explain it to them. I like it when a testicle is trapped like happened to him and the insides of the testicle can tear a little. This causes bleeding inside the testicle and extreme pain. The bleeding then causes the testicle to swell and the pressure causes pain for hours after the punishment has finished.
I agree with Lucy that 6 kicks was not enough. He should have taken at least 20. It sounded like bad luck this testicle was damaged so early on but 20 would have been more fair. I would ask him to call her and offer her the chance to punish him again. But as you have had to be told to call her again after the 20 kicks you should have 2 needles pushed through each testicle from the top to the bottom and have them left in for an hour. I think that is fair
Wow thank you for commenting and sharing your knowledge. It will be interesting to hear what that man and other men say about this. I for one agree with you.
ReplyDeleteI’m a 31 year old man and I have read your posts and would like to share some of my experiences. After reading about the testicle twist here a lot of things now make sense to me. You see I have had the testicle twist used on me. Now don’t get me wrong I deserved it I just thought you might like me sharing.
I was walking home one night from a bar with a woman I had met. It was late and as it was through the week there was virtually no one around. She said I could walk her to the train station so I did. We took a short cut down a dark ally and I admit it. I was dumb. I made a pass as she said “I’m not sure” to me then when she turned to me I thought I would try kiss her, I don’t know something made me thing she might like that. I live in a hot state so I was in loose fitting shorts that were made of thin fabric which made her job easier.
I closed my eyes as I went to kiss her and felt her wrap her index finger and thumb around my testicles, pull them down and squeeze them in her hand both, HARD! The pain was sudden and overwhelming. My vision blurred and tears filled my eyes It felt like flesh tearing in my balls. My knees soon gave way and I dropped down to the ground.
She dropped down with me keeping pressure on both my testicles so my suffering continued. All I could do was move my hands to my crotch but I had no strength at all. I could not even touch her face let alone swing a punch. The truth was I was totally at her mercy lying on the ground in the foetal position. She knelled down next to me continuing to squeeze.
As the minutes ticked by it felt like hours but the pain slowly got worse as my testicles started to weaken. I could feel flesh starting to tear from the pressure but I was powerless. I remember looking up to see her checking up and down the alleyway to make sure we were alone and it was safe for her. For what I think was the first 10 minutes she was silent but I remember her saying “Glad I can make this slow for you” She was angry and I now know she had a right to be. I then realised she was drawing this out to punish me but I could not even beg her to stop. All I could do was feel pain.
More time passed and I could feel her pulsing my testicles with her hand. Every few seconds she would squeeze a little tighter before releasing. She also used her other hand to help her apply pressure. Thinking back I remember how calm she looked as she was applying the testicle twist or my punishment depending on how you look at it. I think another 10 minutes had passed by this point making it 20 in total although it felt like a week. I was shaking and felt like I was going to throw up or pass out but I did neither. I just felt the pain in my testicles build and become of a more tearing nature.
As I suffered I was so overcome with pain I did not scream. I could not even ask her to stop. I occasionally looked at her to see her checking up and down the alleyway looking very calm. “I think ones gonna pop soon” She said to me gloatingly. I just continued to feel pain, it was all I could do.
DeleteAfter what I think was 25 minutes I felt an explosion on my right testicle as the outer wall tore open. She then let off the pressure and I thought my ordeal was over. I now know her intention was to slowly flatten out that testicle. She positioned the ruptured testicle between her fingers and pushed into it very lightly with her thumb. She slowly moved her thumb back and forth like she was massaging the broken ball. But instead she slowly flattened it out and I could feel the insides of the testicle tear and leak out. She said “Im going to flatten the ball out. Totally flat” This filled me with fear but I had no choice but to continue to feel her torturing my testicle. After about 5 minutes of flattening she said “I hope you learn from this” “You deserve this and I am making it slow so you do” “I hope you can in time agree this was right” She said a lot of things but the pain blinded me so I only remember a few. She sounded confident and acted like this was her right.
It took maybe 15 minutes total to flatten out the testicle. I remember feeling the insides of the ball rubbing against each other. Once flat she looked at me saying “Ok I’m finished now. You should call an ambulance when they ask you can just tell them you hurt yourself climbing over a fence. That way they don’t find out you are a creep who deserved this”
I nodded and she left me. Looking down I noticed my scrotum was swollen with blood and I had lost a testicle. I called an ambulance and told them what she had said. In hospital I had to stay for 2 days and they needed to remove my right testicle.
In the days after I was angry at her and wanted to press charges but a lawyer said I might get changed with attempted rape so I left it alone. So she had no repercussions from spending 40 minutes torturing me. Which now I’m happy about.
Now I have had a year to think about it I accept that I deserved what happened to me. I know she could have ruptured the testicle quickly but chose to draw it out to punish me. It was a safe location so she took her time which is her right. I know I was in the wrong and while I’m not grateful for the punishment she was right to do it. It was a fair punishment I still have one ball left and I would not have blamed her for taking that one too.
I now know that the testicle twist can be used on a man for a number of reasons if a woman wants. So as it becomes more popular amongst women I want to help them perfect a method so they get the result they want.
I wanted to write this to help other women thinking of using the testicle twist. To get the best result for you and the man out of this type of punishment I recommend prolonging the punishment for as long as possible. These are my thoughts.
1, I was shocked at how I could not move once the pressure was on my balls so she could calmly sit next to me working the pressure for so long. The testicle twist is very effective but it is important to get a good grip on the balls before a man can react and crush hard. Once he is down and you feel comfortable you can loosen the pressure a little to prolong the torture but not too much or the male might be able to fight back. But the most painful part was when she was flattening out my testicle. I would advise a woman to make that part last as long as possible as there is no way a male can resist. Just make sure you apply pressure lightly and ease off if you feel the testicle flatten too fast. Just moving light pressure around the ball is enough to cause massive pain.
2, Make sure that you are safe. Once the man is down and you have a good grip on his balls keep checking your surroundings so you are safe. If you can plan when to start the twist then try to keep your location in mind. Once a man has done something wrong then he deserves punishment and that punishment can be delayed and is still fair. That way you can spend all the time you want torturing his testicles. In my case we were lucky I committed the offense in a place that was safe so I could be punished for so long. But it would have been perfectly ok if the woman had leaded me somewhere better then started the twist there. The result of my punishment would have still been the same.
Delete3, use your other hand to help keep the pressure on the testicles. This will help you press harder or keep your main hand from tiring. If you want to prolong the twist then you need to think about when your hand will get tired. My advice is to press the testicle until you feel your hand get tired then use both to rupture the ball then move to the flattening out torture. That way you don’t risk the male being able to move. Swapping hands is very hard so keep that in mind.
4, Once you rupture a testicle only press it very lightly. Imagine you are holding a grape or something delicate. Only a small pressing force is needed to cause pain and the softer you press the longer it takes to flatten the testicle. I can also tell you that this is the most painful part of the punishment so this is what you should spend time on. Also the most painful part of the testicle to touch is the part where it ruptured.
5, once you have ruptured the first testicle you should if you can, push you hand into the one good ball to keep a force on it. That will add to the overall pain and that way you will know where the testicle is if you wish to rupture them both. But if you wish to castrate a man first rupture each testicle then flatten them afterwards that way if you have to stop early you will have still castrated him.
6, surprise him. It is possible a man just says something offensive or does something small that makes you want to use the testicle twist on him. But a good idea is to pretend is transgression was nothing and wait until later. This way you can pick a good location and surprise him with the twist. By planning it you can find a better place and draw it out longer. Once you have pressure on the balls you can tell him why you are punishing him and he should accept it. That way you have been fair to him like the woman was with me.
7, There is no time limit so if after 40 minutes which was how long I was punished you still want to keep going then you can. The man will not move so prolong it as much as you can. Also have fun. There is no reason a woman cant admit enjoying doing this and even admit doing it for fun.
Amazing read and great advice for all women and girls.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind me asking, do you still talk to the girl? What's your relationship with her now?
DeleteI don't mind answering any questions.
I did not know her so there was no pre existing relationship. This probably made it easier for her to carry out the punishment knowing she didn't have to see me everyday.
She did contact me after a few months and by that point I understood I deserved this. We met and talked. She was pleased I understood that she was right to do the twist on me and that I saw it as a fair punishment. I apologies to her for my actions and thanked her for understanding.
She said she was happy I was over it and was pleased with how the testicle twist went. She liked the length of the punishment and was pleased to give me justice as she said.
She did say that if she heard I did anything similar to a woman that she would do the same to my last testicle which I agreed was fair. I told her I had learned my lesson but I do believe her. Any other questions?
Just read this and what a beautiful punishment you describe. It is great you have a good attitude and you were able to have this done to you. It sounds like you benefited from a very skilled woman but I would like to know if she talked about your second testicle? Did she say why that one was not ruptured as well?
ReplyDeleteIts good she was able to make you suffer for 40 minutes but I think you should have been castrated.
Worldwide, now that you bring it up with him, so you also think I deserve castration as well?
DeleteIn the guy who had his left ball popped. I won't be offended by your opinion, im just curious.
I have read what you have put up and you seem like a nice guy but you actually grabbed a woman so yes. You deserved a full and very slow castrated. I'm sorry to say it but you felt a quick pop and longer was needed. Its great how you know the woman but you should have you balls destroyed.
DeleteI would also want to hold a candle under the tip of your penis to burn it so it cant be used any more.
But what does she think?
After commenting on this blog quite a bit she I brought up destroying my last testicle to her and she said she wants kids first but after that there are no guarantees she won't pop it. She said she'd like to pop to ensure that I'm forever kind and responsible and raise a good feminist daughter.
DeleteWhich I think is very reasonable.
What do you think about this?
That sounds reasonable but in the mean time your testicle should be regularly tortured. There are many ways to torture the testicle without popping it. You can buy plastic presses that are great for hurting the testicles. Or what would you think about needles being used?
DeleteThen as soon as you have finished having kids she should destroy the testicle and your cock.
I think that is reasonable for what I did. Men should stop complaining, admit theyve done wrong, and get punished with ball/removal more often.
DeleteI agree.
DeleteDo you think loss of both testicles is required for the man with the sexist comment?
DeleteIf it was just a simple comment then maybe just one should be ruptured but the rupture should be very slow. I think a good idea would be for the woman to approach the man. She can explain that for the comment she wants to tie him down and torture both testicles and rupture one of them. She can tell him about how she will crush the balls slowly before destroying one. If he agrees then that is what should happen but if not then the woman should rupture both and as slowly as possible.
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of men will agree to the punishment and that in nearly all cases of rupture the woman should try to prolong the pain. Or is the comment was worse then rupturing both would be fair. Maybe the man and woman could talk and discuss this to agree on a fair punishment. What do you think?
Honestly in a calmer situation talking it out is great.
DeleteMe and my girlfriend have been talking for several hours now about how and when she will pop and flatten my last ball.
Its ultimately fully up the woman to decide though and considering how bad ahw wants to rupture him from what he has said, he must have said something pretty vile.
It might not have been vile. A man can face rupture for even a small wrong comment. That is why many men don't understand why they are receiving the testicle twist until the woman explains. What methods have you been discussing?
DeleteI agree. A man should understand that rupture can happen over small things and that is acceptable.
DeleteOh and to answer your question: me and her have talking about how slow she wants it, how she wants to pop it, if she should take my penis as well, and even if I should just save some sperm so we could do it next week.
DeleteDefiantly. But we need more people understanding this.
DeleteAlso maybe people should create accounts so we know who we are talking to Al these anonymous users are making it hard.
It would be nice to hear as much as we can about your discussion and punishment.
DeleteShe's been heavily considering she freezing sperm method so we don't have to wait.
DeleteShe told she's 85% sure she wants to ruin my ball. And if she does it, she wants to flatten it slowly with her teeth.
Obviously as a man I don't want this to happen but I deserve all of it.
Popping it with teeth will be very intimate and probably fun for her. I agree you deserve it so freezing your sperm might be a good idea first.
DeleteTaking your last testicle will effect testosterone and change your life so discuss that with her.
Why dont you ask her to bite your testicle now so you can have a taste of this punishment? Lets see if you can stay still as she bites it.
I agree the idea of her my ball popping her teeth feels very passionate and intimate.
DeleteAnd actually squeeze my nut a new times before (with no intention on popping) and I somehow managed to be still.
But I will still have her bite down on a ball later tonight just for the sake of punishment.
May I make a request to your girlfriend?
DeleteCan she tie some string around your testicle so it is presented well. Then I would like her to flick it from all angles 60 times as hard as she can. After each set of 15 flicks I would like you to kiss so you can show your you support her doing this. Then she can whip your cock for a while. I would like you to feel this.
I love the idea of her intimate after she hurts my ball.
DeleteIt shows her that I love her and am not upset about what is being done. I want her to feel as comfortable as possible when she ruptures it.
She has told me that part of her is very saddened by doing this but feels it is necessary.
I can see why she would be sad but it needs to be done. I hope she makes it painful and you are punished as soon as possible.
DeleteWell....we've decided to do some torture tonight and then go to a sperm bank tomorrow.
DeleteI think you know what that means.
Wish my girlfriend a fun time!
Hi would you consider making a video or taking some pictures of the punishment? It would be great to see a video on your testicle being ruptured. You can hide faces ect.
DeleteI don't think I could.
DeleteI want my last experience as a man with her to be private.
I hope you undeestand.
I understand it is a big ask.
DeleteBut i do hope you are castrated soon.
hey guys here is a video of a man being seriously punished.
DeleteIt looks like his balls are very badly damaged
That was a good video. I have done similar punishments and I can tell you they work well.
DeleteThe pain the man takes is very high and you can cause some serious damage. I am not sure if a testicle ruptured unless it was a small rupture at the end which is possible. The woman used a good amount of force on the testicles and the male was relatively cooperative.
Stomping is a good easy punishment any couple can do without much effort. unlike kicking as the testicle is resting on a hard surface it compresses as it takes all the force causing internal injury leading to swelling. As well a woman who is smaller or not a great at kicking can use stomping like this to cause a rupture. She can then flatten the testicle under foot.
Was reading all of these comments and I can't wait for your new post later today! :)
ReplyDeleteWe need a update to see if he has followed through or backed out.