Rupturing Both Testicles

After a few requests I am writing a little about ways to rupture both of the mans testicles.

Many of the accounts online describe a woman rupturing both testicles so it is popular. It is also the best way to incapacitate a man if you feel you may be trapped somewhere. There are very good reason to want to rupture both so I will now talk about that.

Firstly you must understand that causing both testicles to rupture and destroying them both will castrate the man. He will never have sex again or produce testosterone so it will hugely impact his life. It is also an injury that will require imitate medical attention of the man could even die. But in many situations we talk about there is no reason why a woman cant try to rupture both testicles.

Also make sure you have a good reason to rupture both. If a man is not taking "NO" for an answer then that is a good reason. Or if he is touching you in a way you don't like you can use the play along method to access the testicles then start the testicle twist.

Its important to know that even if you initiated sex you can still withdraw consent and he has to stop. Because if your safety comes first it is actually acceptable and a good idea to used the testicles twist if you feel that when you take away consent there is a good chance he wont stop. This also means you can surprise him and wait until the time is right to begin. Reaching between his legs from behind him would be the ideal way to begin the castration attempt. I have found the play along method to be a great way to get access to the testicles and helps to get the desired result from the testicle twist.

Then once you have a good grip and he cant move you can tell him why you are using the testicle twist on him. He can even be told of your intention to cause both testicles to rupture. Just talk calmly and explain it to him. Remind him that this is not an attack but an act of defense and it will be easier if he does not struggle. Its not likely he will agree with you but at least you have been fair to him. At least you will be able to say you have been honest, truthful and you are now using a perfectly acceptable defense method on him. You can then continue with the castration.

But in saying all this, if he has merely said something inappropriate then a good hard kick to the balls will probably be more a reasonable. A good kick can still cause damage and a kick does not have to be given the moment of the act. You can wait to line up a good kick on him for maximum effectiveness.


Kicking the testicles until both rupture is possible but it would mean you being able to kick them as hard as you can maybe dozens of times. This just inst practical so kicking is not really an option. Crushing the testicles with your hands will be much more successful.

As always you need to be aware of your surroundings. You will do this when doing any hand grip of the testicles but as rupturing both will take much longer you need to know you will be safe for that time. Just remember to keep checking around you as you are crushing the testicles.

When you grip them use the testicle twist method that we have talked about but even though we need to rupture both testicles it may be better to focus on one. Focusing on one testicle will make it easier to rupture so doing them one at a time is going to be easier for you. Plus if you do have to stop you will have at least ruptured one ball so that is a good result.

One problem that can occur when crushing both testicles is that once one ruptures any force go to flattening out that testicle and not rupturing the second one. Just be aware of this if you are crushing them both at once.

Another thing is as you rupture the first testicle he may pass out making accessing the last one easier. Or if he passes out and is positioned well you may be able to rest the testicle on a hard surface and stand on it to cause rupture.

If he has not passed out accessing the final testicle can be harder. One tip is to tell him he needs to relax so you can get your hand out as you have completed the rupture. Explain to him you have ruptured the testicle and damaged it sufficiently so you would like to stop. You can even go as far as to thank him for being still as you administered the rupture. Thinking it is over he should relax. You then grab his last testicle and continue crushing.

You do not need to apologize for any deception to him. You are in the right, not him so he is actually wrong for obstructing you as you perform the procedure. You can explain this to him if you like.

During this do not let go of the ruptured ball until you can grab his last one. Then when you have his last ball try to keep pressure on the ruptured one to keep him in pain so he cant move. His last testicle can then be crushed like the first one. Then once you have destroyed it you will have successfully castrated him.

Just remember that after each testicle ruptures continue to push into it to make sure it is destroyed. Continuing the push will expand the rupture and damage the structures inside the ball. This will also cause a huge amount of pain for the man receiving this. If you are safe this part of the procedure can be allowed to take a few minutes.

When rupture starts you will probably be pushing into the middle of the testicle with your thumb. Just keep pushing down as the testicle wall tears open. Then maybe move your thumb to different locations on the testicle and push down. You may find you can do this for the middle, the top and the bottom of the testicle. This will obviously take more time but will be a more comprehensive rupture. If you are feeling confident then you can even do this part very slowly to cause the man more pain.

If you are in a safe location there is no time limit on how long you can take to do this so keep that in mind. The priority is your safety and the result you want but if you chose the prolong this then that is up to you.

Once finished you will be able to get him to tell you how to leave or know he is not a threat. It will be good to either tell him to call an ambulance or you call one. You should only call one when it is safe.

I hope this helps.


  1. Thank you for another great article. This is really helpful. I especially like the idea of using the method on a man if you are scared of him not stopping if you say no. It is a much safer way to escape and it is still fair to rupture both of his testicles. I also like the idea of prolonging the destruction of the testicle after rupture has started. That can be his punishment I wonder how long a woman can crush the balls for?

    1. Hi thank you for your message.

      I have done research on cases where crushing the testicles has been used as a punishment. The man would be tied down and crushing pliers were used to apply pressure to cause pain. The pliers would apply pressure for a few minutes then be loosened so blood would flow back so the man did not lose feeling.

      The pliers would be used first on one ball then the other one and swapped each time. This caused the male to feel constant crushing pain that was very extreme. The torturer would be careful to apply enough force to cause pain but not enough to break the testicle. The hope was to torture the male for as long as possible. But eventually the testicles would rupture but they would then be slowly squeezed flat. Once ruptured only a small amount of pressure would cause massive pain so the testicles could be slowly flattened over the course of hours. The cords going to the testicles were also crushed to try to limit bleeding.

      The male would be restrained for days prior to the punishment so he could not masturbate. He would be fed well the night before but not on the day to limit vomiting. He would be heavily restrained in the early morning and the punishment would be administered. The hope was the male would feel the punishment all day, sometimes for over 12 hours. Even with most of the internal stuff squished out of a testicle it still feels pain so the male could benefit from pain long into the night.

      This punishment was usually for rape.

      In that case a male was tied down to have the testicles crushed so it would be hard for you to make his castration last 12 hours. But if it is safe you could easily make it last an hour. The best idea would be to first rupture the testicle then flatten it very slowly

    2. WoW! What an amazing punishment! I would love to watch that being done to a man. It's a shame that isn't done to men anymore. Thank you.

    3. It is a shame. It would be a very effective punishment and it would be great to watch it being done. If it were brought back then there may be fewer instances of rape.

    4. That would be very effective and YES! amazing to watch happen. Thank you for writing this.

  2. You mention resting the scrotum on a hard surface and stepping on the testicles to crush them. Is this a more efficient way to rupture the balls than by hand? Also if you are using the hand technique is it better to squeeze the testicle between your fingers and palm or one finger and thumb? I think doing them one by one is better to cause the testicles to burst.

  3. Yes if you can rest the testicles on a hard surface this is a very good way to get them to rupture. Just place a foot over one testicle at a time and slowly apply weight. Just try to make sure that as you are doing this the testicle does not slide out from under your foot. Once you are applying a lot of weight to the testicle it can take as little as a few seconds for it to rupture. You should then push down to flatten out the testicle before starting on the other one. This method is very good at getting a rupture very quickly but it is not often practical as a man would have to be unconscious or restrained to allow this to happen.

    As for grip using your thumb is best as it is stronger so is better for getting a rupture started. Then you are right to say that crushing the testicles one at a time is better for causing a rupture. Then you can always grad his last one once you have ruptured the first.

    1. HI. Thank you for writing this. While quickly causing a rupture is great how could I maybe slow the process down so the male suffers for longer. Any tips on prolonging a castration by squeezing in a safe way.

    2. This is a question I would like you to answer as well please. I have read about the extreme pain a man feels when a testicle is popped so I want that to last a long time. How could I maybe keep a male in this pain for over an hour or maybe two hours. They deserve nothing less so please help us with this

  4. If you are interested here is an extract I came across the other day.

    "Testicle crushing as punishments were performed as slowly as possible to worsen the intensity of the victim's agony and lengthen its duration. Standard practice in France from the Middle Ages to the French Revolution was to crush the condemned's testicles in a vise, which burst them as mush from the scrotum, then crunch the spermatic cords with pliers. The condemned was turned upside down in order to maximize the blood flow to his brain, after which he was unable to pass out or enter a state of shock until, perhaps, the last few seconds of his ordeal. The condemned was sure to vomit repeatedly with violent convulsions, even well after he had voided the contents of his stomach, but he rarely screamed except for an initial shriek, which immediately silenced, because the pain overwhelmed his ability to breathe. Most men would hang and thrash wildly during and after the crushing of each testicle, and their thrashing would renew upon the crushing of each spermatic cord. The process would last an entire day. This torture method (accompanied by others) was usually reserved for the crime of regicide or attempted regicide. The event was witnessed by large crowds. It is interesting to note that, whereas most crowds were instructed to jeer, mock, and ridicule the condemned, and did so even during a disemboweling, and drawing and quartering, most crowds remained silent and stared with shocked expressions as a castration was carried out in this manner. Onlookers, male and female, are recorded to have vomited at the sight of the spectacle."

    1. I came across this article that i thought was pretty interesting.
      It describes that young boys were made into eunuchs by a similar method. Basically a doctor would put them in a warm bath to loosen the scrotum then the testicles were grabbed and squeezed until they ruptured. It also mentions how that method was used on livestock too. A clamp would crush the testicles and break them up into a pulpy substance.

    2. A very interesting read. I think placing the testicles one at a time in a vice and closing it slowly would be a better way. The testicle could be pressed for a few minutes and released briefly so feeling could return. Then the other testicle would be put in the vice. Each time a testicle was crushed it would be crushed a little tighter. The male being punished would feel pain for hours before the testicles were ruptured. Then even then they could be flattened.

    3. Just read this and Wow! that is an amazing idea for a punishment. I think it should defiantly be allowed. For small things a man can be kicked in the balls be for more serious stuff this would be great. The idea of a man spending hours taking the pain is pleasing. Do you think pain to the testicles should be used as punishment?

    4. Yes I do think it should be used. I think many people already like the idea of kicking a man in the balls if he is rude so that kind of is testicle pain as a punishment now. Rapist or suspected rapist are already punished with painful castration in many parts of Africa. I read about a case where a man was accused of rape. He originally got away with it because she didn't have proof but the woman who accused him persuaded the village elders to authorize a punishment. They agreed it would be a good example to punish the male.

      He was tied down with his limbs stretched out and string was tied around his testicles. Then a flat stone was placed between his legs and his testicles were rested on it. Next an empty plastic container was placed over the testicles and a woman was selected to fill the container with water.

      Slowly she filled it which started to crush his testicles causing him extreme pain for over an hour before they both ruptured and were crushed flat. The woman was clever and quickly filed it enough to cause him pain but then only added small amounts to prolong the torture. In the end most people seemed happy with the punishment including some men. I think it was a good example and it would be nice to see more punishments like this.

  5. Always squeeze to rupture and rupture both testicles. That way it will send a message to other rapists. Also make it slower if you can.

  6. Hi! I see you answer questions which is awesome so I was wanting to know how could I rupture a testicles by crushing in on the floor. Like if a guy is passed out and I want to stand on his balls to pop them how would I do it?

    1. That would be fairly easy to do and would be the ideal situation to crush testicles in my opinion. I think the best method would be to lay the man on his stomach and remove his pants so the testicles laid on the ground. Then, the girl should stretch the scrotum so his balls are loose and separated. Apply pressure with the ball of your bare foot and start jumping slightly up and down. It shouldn't take long for the testicle to burst and you'll know when that happens because it will lose its round shape and turn into a mushy texture. Also the ruptured ball will spread out between your toes which is why barefoot is best. Repeat on his other nut until both are pulpy and he's castrated.


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